Chapter 11 - Jaxon

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Lizzie's small fist raps on Emily's door.

"Knock knock! We're here!" She sings.

I grin, amused that she feels the need to announce our arrival as if her knocking didn't already do so. A few seconds tick by with no answer. Lizzie frowns and knocks again.

"Here means outside the door!" Lizzie calls out to inform them. I chuckle.

"They know, baby. They're coming." I say gently.

The door opens then and a flustered Emily greets us. As usual, the sight of her makes my breath leap. Jesus, will I ever get used to how beautiful she is? She looks especially stunning in the black dress she's wearing, styled so that it cinches at her waist and shows off her figure and flares out from the bottom so that it brushes her knees. It's full-sleeved but the sleeves are transparent. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail and I'm tempted to tug it, preferably when we're in more compromising positions.

"Hey," She grins, kind of breathless.

Does it make me a douche to hope that she's out of breath from the sight of me? Cause I'm definitely feeling a little breathless myself from the sight of her.

"Hi. I got you these." I hastily hold up a bouquet of a dozen red roses I'd purchased as a sort of housewarming present.

I'd never done something like this so I was hesitant about what to get. I was thinking to get something along the lines of food but I wasn't sure what she was making and I didn't want to get something she might've already cooked. In the end, I gave in and texted Cameron for advice. Though he asked what for, I told him he didn't need to worry about it. He was up my ass, mocking me in good fun, before finally giving the idea of flowers. It seemed cheesy but hell, what did I know? So I took his word for it. Right now though, I kind of want to strangle the life out of him because Emily's just staring at the bouquet, unblinking. I feel like an idiot and I almost come up with a lame ass excuse to try and divert the situation. Maybe I can say I got them for Coach.

"Don't you want them?" Lizzie asks and I close my eyes in defeat. Leave it to my daughter to make the most blatant statements. Emily finally blinks, looking thoroughly embarrassed.

"Yes, of course!" She sort of screams and winces when I rear back. Christ, did she hate flowers or some shit?

"I'm so sorry, I just-" She exhales roughly, visibly trying to relax.

Mental note: never buy Emily flowers again.

"I was just taken by surprise. I've never received flowers from anyone before so..." She trails off with an embarrassed shrug and I'm instantly relieved.

Mental note: buy Emily a fucking garden.

"Well, I'm glad to be the first." I break the silence and thrust the flowers toward her again. She takes them with a small laugh.

"Bet you say that to a lot of girls." She retorts and I hold back a grin. I liked jealousy on her.

"What does that mean, Emily?" Lizzie asks innocently and this time I can't hold in my amused laughter and Emily's slightly horrified expression.

"Don't worry about it, princess. Wanna go see Coach?" She asks over-enthusiastically, I'm guessing to divert her attention.

"Yeah!" Lizzie beams, previous question forgotten. I set her down when she wiggles to get free and she runs off in the house to go find him. Emily turns back to me, smiling.

"I'm sorry for the earlier awkwardness. I really do appreciate the flowers." She looks genuinely touched and I definitely don't want to strangle Cameron anymore. Maybe I should buy the shithead flowers too.

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