Chapter 35 - Jaxon

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I duck my head a second too late and Sanders left hook lands successfully on the side of my head. I feel the pain of his blow deep into my skull and feedback comes from my right ear. Fuck, that's probably damaged by now too. I could've blocked his punch but my eye is swollen shut so my vision is severely limited. It's been my downfall since the start of this round and will most likely be the reason I lose this match. Sanders isn't exactly in pristine condition but he's less hurt than I am.

I throw a blind punch to his middle region, unable to hold back a grin when I actually manage to land my fist on his stomach. His answering grunt is like music to my ears and all the encouragement I need to strike out with another punch. I manage a composed left hook, being able to see properly with my left eye, and the punch knocks Sanders' head to the side with enough force to cause him to go down. I'm on him a second later and delivering jab after jab, using only my left hand for now. It doesn't last long though because my right side is vulnerable and Sanders attacks when he sees an opening. His fist lands on an already bruised region on my ribs and the pain knocks me back. He pins me down to the canvas using his hand on my shoulder to hold me in place and his other hand to punch me cheek. The guy has a spectacular fucking hook and the result of his blow has me gritting my teeth in pain to keep from screaming out. I twist the lower half of my body, the only part of me not being held down by Sanders, and use my leg to kick the side of his head.

"Shit!" He goes down covering the injury with his hand and I use that moment to stand up quickly and stumble back.

The blow of the ref's whistle is nothing short of relieving and I almost fall to my knees when the three-ring bell signals the end of the round. We're almost halfway through the match but it feels like I've been fighting for days. I didn't realize my work was this cut out for me but I suppose with seven fucking million on the line this fight won't be a joke. Any fight I've been in before this one suddenly seems laughable. This is by far the toughest and most painful type of boxing I've had to endure and I'm not exactly confident about how long I'll last. But I'm determined to take the win so no fucking chance am I going to make this a walk in the park for Sanders either.

I get to my corner but Coach isn't ready with the preps yet. That has to be the first time he's ever done that. I peek through the holes of the fenced cage and try to get a good look at what the hold up is about. I see Coach and the guys huddled together and they're all talking at the same time, crazed eyes and large gestures as they yell over one another. What the hell is going on? Something isn't right. My brows come together in confusion and I try to get their attention by shaking the cage. The rattling noise of the fence is loud enough that all five heads immediately swivel my way. I spread my arms in a 'what the fuck' gesture and the looks on their faces contort to worry and maybe even the slightest bit of sadness. Immediately my mind goes to Lizzie and then I'm sprinting out of the cage faster than I can take my next breath. My heart thuds against my chest with raw fear as I jump over the stairs and land directly on the ground, running over to the guys with pounding steps.

"What's going on over here?" The announcer says into the mic and I know all camera's are on me. I ignore it all, keeping my eyes locked on Coach, because he looks the most worried and if whatever this is is bad enough to make him lose composure, then it must be really fucking bad.

"What is it?" I yell as soon as I'm within earshot. "Is it Lizzie? God, please tell me my baby girl is okay. Please!"

I skid to a halt in front of Coach and clutch the collar of his shirt with so much force I'm surprised I don't rip it. Some of his worry seeps away from his expression at my words and I cling on to the tendrils of hope like they're my lifeline.

"She's fine, Cage."

I exhale so roughly it takes everything out of me and then I'm on my knees.

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