Chapter 20 - Emily

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"Jax." My whisper is strained and I watch a tendril of his hair flutter when my breath fans it.

His heavy gaze tracks the laboured rise and fall of my chest and his lips spread into a sinful smirk that would put the devil himself to shame.

"Tell me what you want." He whispers back, leaning forward until his mouth is mere centimetres away from mine.

"You." I gasp when his teeth nip my earlobe gently.

"Where?" He taunts, tongue grazing down the length of my jaw.


And then he's suddenly there. Everywhere, that is. His lips and hands roam every inch of my body until I'm a mess of tingles and explosions from all the overwhelming sensations his skilled pleasuring delivers. I don't even have time to prepare when I feel him enter me, large and thick and stretching me to the point where it's almost painful. Almost. His thrusting is rushed and heated and the warmth of our bodies passes onto one another until we both break into a sweat, our breaths coming out in choppy gasps and moans. He clasps our hands and brings them over my head so that they rest against the headboard, which is thumping steadily against the wall from the force of our fucking. When his mouth meets mine in heated passion and his tongue begins doing sinful things to my own, that's all it takes me to combust. I'm breaking apart and my stomach tenses and coils. His mouth muffles the noises I'm making and I'm doing the same when I feel him empty out into the condom.

A ringing noise sounds just then and the beautiful state we're in is broken as we both turn to see what the source of it is. I look around but can't see where it's coming from and Jaxon huffs in annoyance.

"Wake up." He tells me in a low voice.

"Huh?" I blink at him. What in the hell is he talking about?

"Wake up, Em."

And then I'm sitting up with a loud gasp, sweating and trembling and most definitely alone. What. The. Hell. And what was that stupid ringing noise? I look to my right and grab my phone off the bedside table, recognizing my alarm. I shut it off with a growl and haphazardly throw it on the bed somewhere before flopping on my back. Releasing a tired groan, I slightly rub my thighs together and note with embarrassment that I definitely climaxed in real life. Ever since Jaxon and I called off our arrangement, these dreams of mine have become an unwanted norm. With him in San Francisco it's just made things worse, almost like my body recognizes that he's miles away from me. But seriously, when did I become such a hussy? Stupid Jaxon. Stupidly hot and troubled and caring and distant Jaxon. I hated that I craved him so badly, flaws and all.

I swing my legs off the side of the bed and stand up, stretching my body that feels boneless thanks to my sleep-induced orgasm. I had major problems. I get into the shower and scrub my body so that the after effects of Jaxon's touch that I can still feel are completely gone. Why the hell should I pine over some guy that can't even recognize his own feelings, no matter how endearing he is or how great he is at giving orgasms, evidently without even having to touch me? With a new direction in attitude set, I dry myself up once I'm done with my shower and settle into something comfortable.

Today was my day out with Lizzie and I had an entire agenda planned out for us. I figured I should stop by today and see how she's doing on her first day without Jaxon, and then come by again tomorrow to watch his match. He should be back near the end of the third day and truthfully, I wanted to spend time with the princess while I could. Though Jaxon never voiced it, I knew he felt wary of me spending too much time with Lizzie. I couldn't exactly blame him. When one woman walks out on your family, how can you be so sure another won't do the same?

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