Chapter 16 - Emily

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"But it sucks donkey ass!" Delilah complains over the phone.

I choke on my coffee while I snicker at her choice of words, coughing and setting my mug down.

"First, why donkey ass?" I laugh and hear her join in bashfully. "Second, I know it's going to be incredible. Stop doubting yourself and send it to my email."

"What if it's really stupid and you find it so hauntingly disturbing that you'll revoke our friendship and send me to Tahiti?"

I throw my head back in laughter, laughing so violently that I have to clutch my stomach when I feel a six pack coming on.

"I'm serious!" Delilah whines but she's giggling too.

"Tahiti? Donkeys? Oh, Delilah. You're a gem."

"I'm a freaking oddball."

"Odballs are my favourite."

"Thank you but can we please stop talking about balls?" She sounds meek and I can almost envision her blushing. It just makes me laugh harder.

"Okay, okay. Just send me your story. I'd love to read it!" I encourage.

"Well..." She trails off nervously.

"If it makes you feel any better, I promise to ship you off with a hot guy so maybe Tahiti won't be so bad." I quip.

"No, thanks." She snorts, sounding incredulous. "Boys are so not my forté."

"I'm sure you've had crushes and such. Maybe fallen in love with your first kiss or something?" I offer. She pauses over the line.

"Actually, I, uh-" She sounds flustered.

"You can tell me anything." I reassure as softly as I can.

"Well, I, um, I've never had a first kiss." She strings the last part together so fast I almost don't grasp her words. Almost.

"What?" I gasp.

"I know, I know. 22 and haven't been kissed. I'm so lame." She groans, sounding genuinely embarrassed.

"Oh, no!" I rush to defend. "It's just startling to me because you're so beautiful. I'd imagine boys would be throwing themselves at you."

"Oh, please Emily. That's coming for you, who's looks could literally kill."

This time I'm the one who blushes. Something about a pretty girl complimenting you is so much more satisfying than receiving a compliment from a guy.

"Let's call it a tie." I offer, knowing girls seriously can't win the 'who's prettier' debate. Because girls are freaking gorgeous masterpieces that come in all shapes and sizes and tones.

"Would you like your first kiss to happen soon?" I wonder.

"Actually, yeah." She sounds sheepish. "I blame books for my hopeless romantic state so of course I want that prince charming moment."

"What's stopping you? I really did mean it when I said you could get any guy."

"It's just, I'd like to be financially stable first. Not have to depend on a man to keep me steady. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but my mom had depended dearly on our dad to take care of us and when he left we had nothing. We still don't have much but we get by. I just don't want to have to put either one of us in that position again. Make a life for myself before someone else enters it, I guess." She rambles.

"Very admirable." I muse. "And when he does come along, he'll be one lucky ass guy."

"Thanks, Em." She says softly. "What about you? Any guy in the picture?"

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