Chapter 34 - Emily

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"You got this, baby. Come on." I mumble nervously under my breath, hands folded together and resting under my chin in silent prayer, as Jaxon and Ridge face-off for round two.

I'm not sure what Jaxon's initial plan was for the match but based on the slightly shaken and wary expression on his face and dad's anxiousness, I'm guessing they're going with an improvised plan. Ridge definitely kicked off the match with his offence, jumping into round one with confident punches, but Jaxon was able to hold his own. I guess Ridge's skills were underestimated when he came out even fiercer than he was when the match began and he landed some serious damage on Jaxon. I had to close my eyes on a wince as I watched dad pop Jaxon's nose back in place on the huge jumbotron. The talk that followed looked heated enough that it didn't take much to guess the match was not working in Jaxon's favour and he'd have to change his plays. I don't think Jaxon has ever had to go with a plan B before and right now I'm thinking I'm just as nervous as he is to see how well this works out.

Sanders strikes first, again, and goes in with a left jab to Jaxon's cheek. Jaxon ducks low, but still above the belt line, putting him in perfect line with Sanders' gut, where he lands a satisfying power punch that causes Sanders to hunch over. Jaxon rises from his crouched position and knocks Sanders' chin back with a right hook that sends him stumbling back. A swift kick behind the knee and Sanders goes down before the audience has a chance to blink. The crowd jumps to their feet, coming alive from the change of direction, and I'm amongst them as I clap wildly and jump and down.

"Yes, yes, yes! Fuck yes!" I pump my fist animatedly, ignoring the horrified looks I get from my seat mates. Jaxon skirts his eyes over to me and while I doubt he can hear what I'm saying, he presses his lips together as if holding back a laugh.

The amusement is short-lived when Sanders' jumps back to his feet and is delivering another punch before he's even straightened himself up. Jaxon ducks and barely misses the blow but is able to twist out of the way. I plop back in my seat and grip the edges, nerves consuming me all over again. My fingers lose feeling in them when I tighten my hold on the chair as I watch Sanders suddenly strike a hook behind him and successfully have it land on Jaxon's cheek. How in the hell did he get so good? The crowd absolutely loses it as they all jump out of their chairs and cheer wildly.

"What a fucking hit!" The commentator booms and I know his excitement is uncontainable because he didn't even bother sensoring himself. "Have you ever seen such a flawless execution of a backwards blow?"

I don't know what shocks me more; the move Sanders just pulled or his lack of a reaction to all his fans. Suddenly I'm more than worried about how this match will end because I thought for sure Sanders' ego would be his downfall. Little did I know he's completely in it to win it and his ego is nowhere to be found. I can see Jaxon's demeanour slipping up and my stomach tightens in a ball of dread.

"Stay calm, baby. You can do it. You can do it." I repeat it like a mantra under my breath and hope like hell we have yet to see the best of him.

Jaxon and Sanders lock eyes and the sheer focus of their gaze quiets down the arena. We can all feel the intensity they're feeling and the crowd practically buzzes with anxiousness. I glance over at my dad, who's staring so intently at Jaxon I'm convinced he's trying to telepathically speak to him. My eyes make their way to where the rest of the crew is gathered, looking equally anxious as the rest of us. Cameron meets my eyes and gives me what's probably meant to be a reassuring smile but he's biting on his nails so hard I'm surprised he doesn't draw blood. God, is it really only round two? This has to be the most intense match I've ever witnessed.

Jaxon rolls his shoulders back and the camera zoomed in on him displays the wince he gives on the jumbotron. I can tell he's in pain and his bruises are only darkening by the minute. The crowd seems to hold their breath in unison when Jaxon surprises us by finally striking first. His swift punch lands on Sanders' rib in a speed I don't think any of us could have seen coming. He's barely pulled his arm away before his other fist is travelling towards the side of Sanders' head, hitting hard enough that the snap of his head to the side causes the audience to flinch. And then he's pummelling Sanders, fists flying and gutting Sanders in his stomach punch after punch after punch. Sanders goes down and Jaxon follows suit, landing on top of him, continuing his assault on Sanders' face. Sanders brings his arms up to block the punches but it's no use, not with the ferocity on Jaxon's face as he delivers constant jabs. Sanders manages a punch just under Jaxon's chin and it gives him a moment to roll out from under Jaxon's assault. He doesn't get very far before Jaxon pounces on him again, nowhere near deterred.

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