Chapter 10 - Emily

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Straight to voice mail. Again.

I glare at my phone as though my dad can see it on the other line. He was always the worst at answering calls. But God forbid if I missed one of his calls he'd personally start an apocalypse.

I call Cameron instead, because I figure all the boys must be at the gym. It'll be closed tomorrow for Thanksgiving so I don't doubt that they're putting in as many hours as they can. He picks up on the first ring and I'm thinking my dad could learn a thing or two from him.

"What's up, babe?" He answers cheekily and I roll my eyes.

"Is dad at the gym? He's not answering my calls." I accuse.

"Yeah, he is. He's in the middle of coaching Cage's fight, though."

At the mention of Jaxon my heart stutters. I try to imagine him during a fight and I can't deny that I'd really like to see one for myself.

"He's started fighting?" I ask casually.

"Just today. He's going up against Nate. Your dad wanted his first spar to be with one of us."

"How is he doing?"

"Fan-fucking-tastic. If I didn't know he'd only been training for over a month, I would've guessed he's been doing this for years."

"He's really that good?"

For some reason my chest swells with pride. I come by the gym often enough that I know he's been putting in a crazy amount of hours. He's there before I come and even after I leave. I've seen the wary creases on his face and I imagine balancing his daughter, his job, and boxing must be tiring as hell. But he's shown that once he puts his mind to something, he sees it all the way through. It's admirable and I know my dad has grown a newfound respect for him. Not that he'd ever admit it.

"He's a natural." Cameron praises. "If you come by, you might just catch the end of the fight."

Excitement courses through me and I know that's an opportunity I won't deny.

"I'm on my way."

Hanging up, I set aside the papers I'll have to mark over the long weekend and begin to get dressed. Once that's done, I grab my purse and keys before leaving the house. As I stand in the elevator and wait to get the lobby, my phone buzzes with an incoming call. I check the caller ID and see that it's Tim. We've established a sort of friendly acquaintance since our date but I've kept things at an arm's length. I know I don't have a rooted interest in him and the last thing I want to do is lead him on. He really is a good guy. With a deep sigh, I answer the phone.

"Hey, Tim." I greet.

"Hi, Emily. How are you?"

"I'm well, thank you. Yourself?"

"Doing great, thanks. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up for coffee over the long weekend?"

Crap. This is what I'd meant by not wanting to lead him on. A simple coffee meet-up is not something I'd disregard so easily but I knew Tim's intentions. And while I thought it was sweet he'd taken an interest, I didn't want to be one of those girls that goes along with it when I just don't feel the same way.

"I don't think that's possible, Tim. Because of the long weekend I'll likely be spending time with my father and catching up with marking." And that was definitely the truth. Thanksgiving was always an important holiday in our family and since losing mom, Dad and I were dedicated to upholding the same traditions.

"Oh, I see." I can hear his disappointment and I try not to feel guilty. "Maybe take a rain check, for another time?"

"I'll look into my schedule. Is there something work-related you wanted to discuss?" I put out there purposely so that he understands that I perceive our relationship as strictly professional, as I've been hinting at since our date.

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