Chapter 28 - Emily

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A featherlight sensation on my cheek startles me out of my sleep. Not enough to wake me up, but just enough that I come to.

"Hmm?" I question, sleep lacing my tone as I stretch out my sore muscles and try to mentally grip my surroundings.

The pressure on my cheek increases, the touch going from featherlight to insistent. I realize they're a set of lips at the same time I feel a hand curve over my knee. The touch is warm and my body rolls toward it on its own accord, seeking warmth.

"Emily." A deep voice whispers.

My eyes flutter lazily, taking their time to open and escape the remnants of sleep still lingering behind. It's dark in the room so it takes a few minutes for my focus to adjust. Deep, green eyes stand out profoundly against the dim room and I feel a small smile creep into place when those eyes begin roaming over me. They return to my gaze with newfound heat and it's no longer tough to stay awake.

"Hey." I whisper back.

Jaxon smiles and lifts a hand. His fingers gently thread through my hair and I have to fight the fresh wave of sleep that takes over at his soothing touch.

I lift a hand to my mouth just as a yawn escapes. "What time is it?"

"About four in the morning." He mumbles, resting his chin at the edge of the bed, watching me intently. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"That's okay." I squeeze my eyes as I stretch my body out once more. Foreign places feel sore and I have to fight a smile as vivid flashes of last night slowly return to memory.

"I have to head to the gym, okay?" My eyes are still closed but I feel his hot breath fan my face. It smells minty and I'd kiss him if I didn't just wake up.


His lips meet my forehead and he lets them sit there for longer than necessary. It makes me smile. They trail down to my cheek and I nuzzle into the sensation of his nose sliding down my jaw. His lips meet my neck, then. A small moan comes from the back of my throat and I feel Jaxon's teeth bare as he nips the spot he was just kissing.

"You're going to be late if you keep this up." I try to make it sound like a warning but it comes out more like a suggestion.

I feel his groan vibrate against my throat and a soft laugh spews from my mouth.

"Tease." He grumbles but I also feel his smile.

He kisses my bare shoulder and my eyes finally open. I run a hand through his hair like he did to me and his eyes soften.

"Go back to sleep." He takes my hand from his hair and places a kiss on the palm before settling it next to me. He keeps our hands linked. I nod and let my eyes drift close once more as my earlier tiredness returns.

His mouth comes next to my ear. "I love you."

Even mid-asleep, I'm grinning wildly and thanking the heavens that last night wasn't a dream. That Jaxon really did voice his feelings for me and how I just about cried from relief when I knew he felt the same way. I couldn't wait to tell the girls about it later today.

"I love you." I tighten the hold I have on his hand as I say it.

"I'll see you tonight, yeah?"

I manage a nod.

"Night, baby."

I garble something out and it makes him laugh. The weight from the side of the bed lifts and I hear his footsteps shuffle. The sound of something zipping follows and then he's gone with a soft click of the door behind him. I turn over and grab the pillow he'd slept on. I huddle into it like a lovesick girlfriend all because it has his scent all over it and I already miss him. I inhale deeply, the scent of his aftershave and something entirely Jaxon meeting my nose. It doesn't take long to fall asleep once I convince my groggy brain that he's still here, beside me.

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