Chapter 25 - Jaxon

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The muscles in my arms scream in protest when I deliver another jab at the punching bag. It flies backwards from the force behind my fist and the chains rattle noisily while it twists around. My knuckles have started bruising but I keep going, determined to get in as much training in today as possible so I can spend the rest of the day with Emily in peace. The bag sways towards me again and this time I deliver a kick to send it back. I charge forward before it can head in my direction again and launch a series of jabs and hooks to finish off strong. When the pull in my muscles becomes too fierce, I capture the bag between my hands and halt it completely. My heart rate is thundering, my breaths are choppy, the dizziness in my head is causing both my vision and hearing to blur the slightest but the rush in my veins overlooks all of that. Nothing thrills me the way boxing does. Except being inside Emily.

Thinking of my girl, I'm all too eager to get to her now that my training is done and I make quick work of stripping off my gear and wet shirt so I can grab a quick shower before I leave.

"Nice work, man." Cameron and I knock fists once he's made his way over to me.

"Thanks. You done for the day?" I begin wiping down my face and body with a towel.

"No." The look on his face is knowing. "Not all of us come to the gym at an inhumane time just to train early."

"But you all come at 5 a.m."

"You came at 4 today. That's not even early enough to have morning wood."

"Nice." I snort. "Well I have to ditch early today because I have a date with Em."

"A date?" Nate comes up behind Cameron. "I didn't think you did dates."

I shrug. "I didn't do a lot of things before Emily."

"How sweet." Asher sidles up beside us.

"Fuck off." I grumble at them.

"You're only now taking her on a date?" Cameron seems to be the only one with this concern. "That's not exactly a conventional relationship."

"I'm not a conventional person. But when it works, it works." I give them a wry grin. "I learned the hard way that there's no point in fighting what feels right."

"Let's go look for his balls." Nate's snicker is cut off when my towel smacks him upside the head.

"Laugh all you want, fucker. You'll come crying to me when you're stuck in the same situation."

"Whatever." He looks skeptical that he'll ever settle down but I used to be the same so I'm not as unconvinced as he is. When it's their turn, these guys will know what it's like to be overthrown completely by their own knockouts.

The conversation changes to their weekend fucks so I head off to go shower. I haven't been able to contribute to that topic since Emily and I don't plan to in the future, either. They sure as shit won't hear about my personal time with Emily, much to their dismay after having asked me relentlessly. The look on my face had them dropping the matter in an instant.

As guys, we exchange talk about whether or not a fuck is good; what made it good, what didn't make it good, whether or not we'd smash again or let it be a one time thing, things like that. Does it make us assholes? Absolutely. But to us it's harmless because a casual fuck is just a faceless body that can offer a good time and it's how good the time was that we discuss rather than the person delivering the good time. That's why I refuse to discuss details of my moments with Em. She's not a faceless nobody. She's my fucking everything and I'll be damned if I degrade her like that or give the guys even a wisp of the wonders of what it's like to be with my woman. Only I get the pleasure of that and I'll bask in it like the neanderthal Emily claims I am. What the fuck ever.

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