Chapter 26 - Emily

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This was insane.

I'd been to live matches before but not one of such a huge crowd. The amount of people in the arena is at an all-time high, nearing 20,000 spectators, and a huge swell of pride surges through me. Jaxon really has come such a long way. With every match he wins, he becomes more recognized for his raw talent and his skills are like crack to all the boxing fans out there. The only match of his I'd seen live was the very first one so seeing how far he'd come was beyond incredible.

The crowd's buzzing is constant and ferocious. The exhaling cheers seem to crawl all over me and I actually feel goosebumps follow the sensations derived from the atmosphere of the arena. Signs flash and wave and several fans are already screaming out the names of who they're here to cheer on. The area is dim and a few spotlight instruments are roaming over the area, light passing over the crowd occasionally. Other than that, the only lights are the ones illuminating the ring, effectively putting everyone's focus on the main event.

The bell for the five minute warning sounds and my eyes go to Jaxon. He's seated in that temporary chair the crew brings out between rounds as he preps. Him and dad have their heads close together and they seem to be in an intense conversation. Dad is doing most of the conversation and Jaxon occasionally nods or shakes his head. He says something from time to time but I know he readily welcomes my dad's constructive criticism so he mostly listens. Cameron is up there with them and it looks like he's prepping Jaxon's gear. The other guys stand outside of the ring but near Jaxon's corner and they lean against the rope, listening in on the conversation.

I take the time to openly appreciate my man. Jaxon looks photoshoot ready even on his worse days but Jaxon in his boxing gear before a match is what fantasies are made of. He has on a silver robe that he wears before the start of each match, the sleeves baggily reaching up to his elbows and the hoodie of the robe lifted over his head. His arms are braced on his thighs as he sits and his wrapped hands are clenching and unclenching to loosen his muscles. The hoodie obscures most of his face but his firm jaw peeks out and tendrils of his hair stick out from under the hoodie as well. His profile is most visible and it's enough to catch the occasional smirk he throws while waiting. He's the embodiment of cool, confident, but determined. I almost want to moan. I am one lucky woman.

Lucas plops down next to me with Lizzie, who immediately leans over to sit on my lap. I smile and wrap my arms around her while she settles back against me. Both of us look to Jaxon and, almost as if he can sense us watching, his head turns to us. I lift my hand in a wave and Lizzie does the same. Jaxon breaks out into a grin that accentuates that rare dimple and he raises his glove towards us.

"Cage is capable of smiling?" Lucas' amused retort comes from beside me and I turn to him.

"I kind of have to pry it out of him, but yes." I respond cheekily.

"Heard about the two of you. I should give you my thanks."

"For what?"

"You seriously dialed down his assholeness. He's a lot more fun to be around now."

I'm about to reply when Lizzie sticks her palm out. Lucas groans in understanding and reluctantly takes out a dollar. I throw my head back in laughter when Lizzie tsks at Lucas and he actually shifts uncomfortably.

"She gets her intimidation from her dad." He mutters.

I raise a doubtful brow when Lizzie gives a sweet giggle. "Or she has all you wusses wrapped around her finger."

He nudges me as a form of chastise and I nudge him back. When I turn back to the ring, I have to choke down my laughter at the death glare Jaxon is directing at Lucas. He jerks his chin to the right and the message is clear; put some distance. There's no stopping my laughter when Lucas nervously leans away from me.

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