Chapter 37 - Jaxon

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I've barely slammed the door to my car shut before a piercing bang breaks the silence of the night. The sound is so loud and earth-shattering that for a second I freeze in my tracks and wonder if I even want to know what it was. I look to my right where the guys are getting out of their own cars, also frozen in place and staring wide-eyed at the building of Emily's school. Cameron is the first who's able to pull his eyes away and look to me. The expression on his face says it all. Whatever it was, it can't be good.

My body springs into action before my mind does and I don't even realize I'm charging at the school until I've almost reached the entrance. I can hear the pounding footsteps of the guys hot on my heels but I don't waste a single second to even look back at them. Whatever that sound was seemed too consequential to fathom and I was about to go out of my mind thinking of all the worst case scenarios. I'm not a religious man but I pray like hell as I enter the school that Emily will be okay. If something happened to her, there's no doubt it would be the end of me as well.

"Lucas sure did a number on this door." Nate mutters as we pass the battered entrance and I have to agree. It's slammed so roughly into the wall that huge chunks have fallen away. That must have taken a hell of a lot of power on his part and I owe him a huge thanks for coming after my girl as fiercely as I would have.

"You're done for."

I halt in my tracks when I hear it and listen closely. I knew it. It's that fucking preppy douchebag that was obsessed with Emily. The reality that he's the one who did all this to her makes my blood boil and I head straight for Emily's classroom. I can't believe that idiot bought her here of all places but then again I can.

I'm so blinded by my rage for him that he's the only thing I fucking see as soon as I enter the classroom.

"So are you." I snarl.

His head shoots up, distraught eyes locking on mine. They widen like he's surprised to see me here and I almost laugh. If he thought I wouldn't hunt him the fuck down until he was dealt with he had another thing coming.

"Jaxon." Emily cries.

My attention goes to her instantly and my rage doubles, if possible. I barely recognize her. Half of her face is swollen up and covered in cuts and bruises. Her hair is matted to her head with what looks like dried up blood and one of her arms hangs limply. Something of hers is definitely broken. I try to offer a reassuring smile but it's weak at best.

"I thought I was the only one fighting today, baby." My voice cracks at the end.

She regards me with sad eyes and drops her eyes. I follow her gaze and my breath knocks out of me when I see a motionless Lucas laid down. His entire white shirt has been taken up by red and I know that that much blood loss can only mean the worst. If not that, his pale face and still chest are unmistakable signs.

"Luke." I whisper.

Emily releases another sob and stifles it with a hand on her mouth. I numbly walk over and drop to my knees beside him. I don't know why I bother checking but I place two fingers by his pulse. Nothing. Fucking hell, is this really happening? Have I really lost one of my best friends?

"Christ." I drop my forehead on to his chest in despair. His lack of a heartbeat doesn't escape my notice and it only saddens me more. "I'm so sorry, Lucas. I failed you."

I feel Emily's fingers thread through my hair.

"He saved me, Jax. He didn't even hesitate."

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