Chapter 23 - Jaxon

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It's hard to tell what wakes me up at first.

Maybe it's the stream of light that I feel shedding on my closed eyelids.

Maybe it's the unfamiliar texture of the soft bed beneath me.

Maybe it's the fact that I had the most peaceful sleep in what feels like ages.

Or maybe it's the warm and wet mouth that's wrapped around my dick, the tip hitting the back of said mouth's throat.

A long and low moan escapes me, my body understanding the circumstances before my groggy brain does. I'm thrusting my hips up before I even realize what I'm doing and the sound of gagging startles me.

"Shit." I curse, suddenly alert. "You okay, baby?"

Emily waves me off, never once breaking her pace, merely winking up at me as she continues working me with that spectacular mouth. I groan, more so from the sight of her than what she's doing. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes hooded, the streamlight of dawn shining on her and making her look like a fucking angel. She has a serious case of bedhead but she looks freshly fucked and the caveman in me gloats at how I've staked my claim on this incredible and gorgeous woman. I tangle my fingers in her mass of hair, the tips of it tickling my thighs mixed with the sensation of her wet heat around my hard length emitting a string of satisfied curses from my mouth. Fuck, I could get used to waking up to this every morning. Waking up to her. It's almost too good to be true.

Emily runs her tongue flat from the base of my cock up to the tip, swirling around the head. A strangled choke escapes me when she adds a tight grip to what she's doing, her hand pumping the length she can't fit in her mouth. She sets a synchronized rythm between pumping me with both her hand and mouth and when I glance down, the sight of her head bobbing between my legs, I almost lose it. Her cheeks hollow when she gives a hard suck and I swear harshly under my breath. I'm pretty sure my eyes roll into the back of my head when her other hand fondles my balls and I'm met with the familiar tightening in my lower stomach. My hands clench in her roots and my breath comes out choppy.

"Em, I'm going to come." I use my hands fisted in her hair to attempt shoving her off but she's not having it. Her own hands grasp onto the tops of my thighs as she holds herself in place while I can't hold back any longer. And then I'm letting go.

"Fuuuuuck." I grunt and curse through quite possibly my hardest release yet and Em takes it like a champ. The intense stir of pleasure is making it hard to breathe so I'm left holding my breath while Emily laps up every last drop. When it's all said and done, I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me and I fucking melt into the mattress.

"Good?" She throws my words back at me from when I ate her out and a smile tugs at my lips.

"Fantastic." I mimic what her response had been and she laughs, collapsing next to me.

Like second nature, my arm immediately wraps around her and I pull her into my body. She cuddles in with a content sigh and I marvel in how perfectly our bodies fit together. Like we were made for each other or some shit. A warm feeling swirls deep in my chest and though I know what it is at this point, I'm nowhere near ready to confront it. Not because I'm unsure of how I feel, cause I damn well know what I feel for this woman, but because my own fear that I'm going to destroy us is holding me back. So, being the selfish bastard that I am, I revel in the moments we have together instead of saving us both the trouble. Besides, I couldn't walk away if I tried. Not anymore.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." Emily grumbles under her breath and I chuckle.

"That makes the two of us." I press a kiss to her forehead.

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