Chapter 6 - Emily

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"Are you on your period?" Avery asks me while watching me scarf down the last bite of my steak.

We'd finally gotten our schedules to correspond for a day to hang out and decided to do a lunch. We tried to see each other at least once a month so I knew now was the time to fill her in on everything. As soon as we took our seats I'd meant to tell her all about my encounter with Jaxon from a week ago, but then the waiter set my food down in front of me and, well, I got distracted. Though I didn't get to tell her the reason behind my irritation, I'd been chomping on my steak like a damn animal while Avery regarded me in an equal watch of amusement and wariness. Hence, asking me if I was on my period.

I calmly set my utensils down and wipe my mouth with a napkin before clasping my hands on the table.

"I met Jaxon Cage last week." I inform her. And immediately regret it.

She squeals so loudly I'm pretty sure my ears bleed a little and several customers turn their heads in our direction.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She screeches and I wince.

"God, Avery, it's just about a guy. The news could've easily waited." I scold.

Except that's not entirely true. After my encounter with Jaxon I'd been dying to tell Avery all about it and my muddled emotions I was left with. I refrained myself, though, because I didn't want to give him or our interaction any importance. So I pretended like it wasn't a big deal even though it felt like it. And Avery probably senses as much because she snorts at my defensive words.

"Yeah, right. Your face is so red I'm surprised your panties haven't combusted yet." She gives me a wicked grin. "Please tell me he's as hot as he sounds."

I mentally conjure up the image of Jaxon from that day. The memory of his hulking frame, strikingly green eyes, and hint of a smile that peeked out from time to time fills me with a deep longing once again. I imagine that deep rumble of his laugh I was secretly happy to be responsible for and I can almost feel it wash over me. Not to mention the way he'd stepped so close to me that I could feel the length of him along my back and how warm his breath was when he spoke in my ear. He'd caged me against the door and it was embarrassing how disappointed I was when I'd had to force myself away. I would've gladly stayed in that position with him looming behind me, all tall and broad. Avery's cackling laughter interrupts me from my thoughts.

"Nevermind," She sucks in lungfulls of air between her laughs. "Your face says it all. You're practically fucking him in your head." She hoots and our onlookers glare at us. I can feel my face flame.

"Shut up," I hiss through gritted teeth. "Or you're not getting any details."

She clamps her mouth shut before I've even said the entire sentence and leans forward in her chair.

"Tell me everything." She says in a low voice, eyes gleaming.

I sigh in defeat and recap our encounter word for word. Avery listens so intently I have to wonder if she's even blinked since I began talking.

"And then Dad came and it was just about the biggest cock block to our attraction. Jaxon looked horrified when he found out that his Coach was my dad but he covered it up just as quick. Said he left something behind and that I was a great help and he walked out. Just like that. Didn't even spare me another glance." I can hear the dejection in my voice, even now, from his brush-off.

Avery whistles long and low.

"Damn." She mutters and I nod my head in agreement.

"I have to ask," She starts and I brace myself, knowing what's coming. "What would you have done if your dad didn't show up?"

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