Chapter 31 - Jaxon

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"What now?" Emily growls from the other end of the line. I know she's sick and tired of my calls, this one being the seventh one today, but I've been paranoid about her safety and scared shitless. The knowledge that her presence in my life is at jeapordy was enough to make me lose my mind with fear. I would be nothing without her and if that meant her being pissed at me for hovering over her like she was a child, I could sure as fuck live with that. I mean, hell, at least it meant she was here and alive and healthy to be mad at me in the first place. That's all that fucking mattered.

"Just checking up, baby."

"Again. What, now it's a crime for there to be longer than ten minute intervals between calls?"

I ignore her smartass remarks. Truthfully they're amusing but I know laughing would only piss her off more.

"Yes, again. If I was picking you up myself I wouldn't be calling."

She scoffs. "Yeah, you would."

"Maybe." My mouth twitches.

"Jaxon Cage, it's bad enough you're making your friends drive me home from work like they're my personal chauffeurs but you being up my ass isn't helping."

"You know how much I love your ass."


"And you know how much I love you."

"Jax." She sighs softly. "I love you but this is too overbearing."

I inhale through my nose to contain my slowly increasing anger. "Baby, what would you do if the roles were reversed?"

The line goes quiet for a few moments and I know she sees my point.

"I understand, Jax, I really do. Just ease up a little. The truth is all this extra security bullshit is only freaking me out. I was cautious before but now I feel like I have to constantly look over my shoulder and that's ridiculous. This isn't CSI. It could be a joke for all we know but don't have me frightened in the meantime."

"That's not what I meant to do." I say quietly. Guilt consumes me that I made her feel this way when I only wanted to protect her.

"I know. Just ease up for me, yeah?"

I begrudgingly answer. "Okay, baby. At least call me when you get home."

"Of course. I'll talk to you soon."

I end the call and immediately dial Cameron's number. He picks up on the second ring.

"M of M, can I service you?"

I make a face. "Of all weird ass greetings, that one wins. Why can't you ever answer with your name?"

I'm laughing but Cameron has gone completely silent. My amusement dies out immediately when I realize it sounds like he isn't even breathing.

"Hey. Cam." I try.

I hear a sharp inhale, like he finally took a breath after seconds without oxygen.

"Fuck. My bad." He stutters out. "I thought I picked up my other phone. I...fuck, never mind. What's up?"

"Why do you have two phones?" I ask instead.

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