Author's Note

148K 2.7K 164

Oh my goodness, where do I even start?

I'm truly at a loss for words right now. I have so much to say and almost no way to say it.

When I started writing this book back in June, I didn't ever think I would come this far. I didn't even know how this story would be written out. All I had was an idea and a spark to just get started. I've lost count of the amount of stories I've began writing only to abandon them halfway. I would lose interest, motivation, and sometimes even self-confidence in my writing skills. I've doubted myself so many times now. Read better books by such talented people and wondered why I even bothered to try.

It took me months of built-up courage to publish that first chapter. Courage that I owe to my friends for getting me started and getting me through. They were the ones who sat me down and talked to me for hours about how they believed in me and how I should take a risk on doing what I love. They told me not to care about who said what or how many reads I got but to write for me. Their advice is what I clung onto every time I wanted to give up on this story. In my eyes this entire journey has been a success and I owe it completely to my girls. Thank you for being my stability in this unpredictable ride.

I'd also like to take a moment to thank my readers. I know this is a cheesy line in every author's note but I really could not have gotten this far without my readers. There are have been numerous instances where I wondered if my story was really worth keeping out there for the public. It didn't seem good enough. I didn't feel good enough. It was a feeling I battled with every day whenever I read over old chapters or would face writer's blocks for new chapters. If it wasn't for all those votes, hilarious/sweet/thoughtful comments, and personal messages, this story would honestly have taken a halt a long time ago. You all are the reason I've come this far. I thank you immensely.

There are some amazing people I've come across on this site. People that I've grown close to and also supported me consistently through this writing experience. I'm glad to say I've even become acquainted with some I would consider best friends now.

joeyness_ Joey, babe, thank you for randomly messaging me one day with the book covers you'd made for my book. Little did I know that we'd end up connecting over our love for writing and end up opening up about our lives. You've given me advice and let me vent to you and I'm so glad I was able to make a friend out of you. You've become so damn important to me and for this, I love you always.

itsmyaah Myaah, my love, I cannot thank you enough for taking a chance on my story and using your talent to really put Path To Redemption in the spotlight with your gorgeous cover! You've even created yet another masterpiece of a cover for my sequel! Thank you so much for lending me your talent and supporting the success of this book. I'm even more glad that we were able to become friends! I love you dearly.

So, it looks like I didn't have a hard time saying anything at all. I couldn't end this book without thanking everyone who's been part of this amazing experience. I can hardly wait to share book two with you all. Thank you to those who believed in me. You've all made my dreams come true! I am truly over the moon!



a.k.a. Amber Isabelle


Please read on for information about book two! Thank you for supporting Path To Redemption and ending off my journey with an astounding 40K reads! I love you all so much!

Path To Redemption (Fighter's Den, #1)Where stories live. Discover now