Chapter 14 - Emily

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4 days.

It's been 4 days since Jaxon and I have talked or seen each other.

I shouldn't be as upset as I am about this but I can't help it. While the relationship we had was hard to decipher I definitely missed the friendship aspect of it. I'd been getting accustomed to texting him everyday and stopping by the gym to see him and the boys. He'd become a routinely figure in my life and I'd made the mistake of depending on that. Because, as always, he slipped away.

I'd tried to keep my distance too. I didn't want to give him more reasons to hurt me even though I knew this was going to take some fighting. Instead, I'm waiting on that dumbass to sort through his feelings because he's obviously unsure of them, and that doesn't mean he can mess with mine in the process.

Of course, I'd kept my promise and attended his fight. How could I not? For the duration of it I'd stayed on the sidelines, unnoticed. I cheered loud as hell, chanting encouragement for every point he took and spewing protests whenever his opponent got a shot on him. The pride I felt when he took the win was unlike anything I've ever experienced. I was so taken by happiness in that moment and I wanted nothing more than to run to him and envelope him with my arms. But the reality that I couldn't do so, because that's not what he wanted, had been crushing enough that I told my father I wasn't feeling well and had went home before anyone could object.

I'd definitely wanted to stick around and even went as far as texting my dad and asking what they were up to. He'd told me they went off for drinks and I just knew Jaxon would be met by groupies. There were enough of them during the match and waiting outside for him afterwards as well. Not that I blamed them. Insanely hot, talented, and a father to a little girl? Of course he'd be flagged by girls left and right. And if I was going to stick around in his life, I'd have to become used to that. That's why I needed the distance right now. I knew I was falling for him but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle the inevitable heart break. I needed to decide if I was willing to take the risk.

A text from my dad brings my focus back to where I'm lounging on my couch, procrastinating from, well, everything.

Dad: Jaxon's interview is on. Channel 9.

And because I'm desperate as hell, I click on the TV and flip to Channel 9 because at least this way I get to see and hear him. Right now, two announcers are going over his fight, replaying highlights of the match with added commentary.

"I don't think anybody expected Jaxon Cage to come out winning. From what we've heard, he's only been training for 2 months. Can you believe that Jon?"

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it Sherry. Ridge Sanders is evidently the much more experienced fighter, having been training for his fair share of years, but he still managed to lose by knockout."

"Some say that it was just beginner's luck but Cage has definitely attained some loyal fans, who are all behind his win and claiming that his talent and Greg Resnick's coaching will get him to the very top."

"It's not often in this industry that we see such raw talent. Usually, it's years of experience and training that creates the best of MMA fighters. Cage has proven this theory wrong."

"He seems very dedicated and I believe his background story involves the death of his little brother, who was also involved in boxing. Could this be what's pushing him? Is this just a discovered talent? Or is it both?"

"Let's take a look at his interview following the match, and see what this newly notorious boxer has to say."

The camera switches to a clip of Jaxon, who looks all mussed up from the fight. His face had definitely taken major hits but he's smiling. He's wearing his fighting robe and shorts and it's no surprise everyone was so eager to get to him that he couldn't even change. Microphones are lined up in front of his face and camera flashes reflect on him. My heart aches watching his green eyes twinkle as he answers questions. God, I wish I'd been there. I wish I didn't miss him so much.

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