Adventure/Suicide Mission Elaborated

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Talia opened the door for hopefully the final time tonight. On the other side, was another man, or "Dwarf" as Gandalf said. He was different from the others. He carried himself as if he were someone of great importance.

He had long, wavy black hair with some grey streaks running in it, and a close-cropped beard. Like Fili and Kili, he was very handsome and taller than the others. As he walked in, Talia found herself staring at his powerful dark blue eyes, trying in vain to figure out what it was that made him so important to the others.

"Gandalf." he greeted with a deep, velvety voice. "​I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door." he smirked.

"What mark? There's no mark on my door, what are you talking about?" Talia nearly snarled, clearly fed up with all the surprises she had received tonight.

"There is a mark, I put it there myself." Gandalf confirmed.

"Well, this just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?" Talia snapped.

Gandalf waved her off, much to her annoyance. How was she supposed to explain that​ to her mom? She all of a sudden decided that the front door needed something else to make it look attractive? She was so caught up in her thoughts that she almost missed Gandalf's introduction to her final guest.

"Talisa Russo, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."

"So, this is the Terran." he observed. Talia furrowed her brows at him. Terran? She was about to ask him where they got that kind of name from when she remembered that Earth was referred to as "Terra" in quite a few mythological stories.

Talia also had to admit to herself that she didn't like the way this guy was observing her. He was scrutinizing her from head-to-toe and then began circling her. "Tell me, Miss Russo, have you done much fighting?" he asked, a knowing look in his eye.

"I'm sorry, what?" Talia wasn't sure if she'd heard him right.

Thorin Oakenshield smirked again. "Axe or sword? What is your weapon of choice?" he asked.

"Um, I took a karate class when I was like thirteen...I didn't stick with it though, it wasn't my thing. I also know how to use a gun...even though I don't own one. I'm still not seeing how this is relevant." she replied.

"Thought as much. She looks more like a housewife than a burglar." he noted coolly.

Talia gaped a little at his comment. What the hell was this guy's problem? "Wow. Someone's full of himself. Should I applaud you? It takes real guts to come into a stranger's house with the nerve to toss insults." she snorted. "But you know what, I'll go get you something to eat anyway, just to show that I'm the bigger person here." With that, she slid past the leader, ignoring the gaping mouths and wide eyes of the others.

As she angrily threw whatever food was left onto a plate, the company pulled up spare chairs and gathered around the dining table. Once the leader received his food (with little thanks), the meeting began.

"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asked.

"Aye. Envoys from all seven kingdoms." Thorin answered. The company began to murmur in excitement.

"What do the Dwarves of the Iron Hills say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asked.

Thorin looked at Dwalin with a frown on his face. "They will not come." he admitted. "They say this quest is ours, and ours alone."

The Dwarves then began to murmur in disappointment. Talia raised her brows at Gandalf, wanting to know more about what it was they were discussing. "Talisa, my dear girl, let us have a little more light." he suggested. Not exactly the answer Talia was looking for, but she went and turned another light on anyway as Gandalf took out a map and spread it out onto the table.

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