Knowledge Comes With a Price

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They had been in Rivendell for two weeks now. Talia thought that was a little too long for a short break, but then again it would also be months before they would reach their destination. She could see the patience of the Dwarves wearing thin.

Thorin was growing angrier by the day, along with Dwalin, Dori, and Gloin. Talia spent most of her days walking around Rivendell, with Fili and Bofur occasionally on her heels. Kili just flat out ignored her.

She expected this, of course. He was embarrassed, and she couldn't blame him. What she could not tell, though, was if he was more embarrassed that she caught him or afraid that she might say something. Then there was also of course the...second occasion.

Now, that happened completely by accident. Talia was minding her own business, walking down a new path of Rivendell. She had stopped abruptly that day when she came across the fountains, completely dumbfounded by what she saw. Everyone...every single Dwarf in that company was hustling around the fountain...stark naked. Of course, Kili just had to be the one Talia made eye contact with before she turned around and walked away, eyes wide and jaw dropped to the ground. Yes, this may have made things between the two of them a little more difficult, especially since she could never look at the Dwarves the same again.

That night, Gandalf decided it was time to ask Lord Elrond to read the map, and he'd asked Talia to be there. She really didn't understand why, but decided it was best not to argue with someone who was practically twice her size.

"Our business is no concern of Elves." Thorin spat. It wasn't going too well. Thorin was being his stubborn self, and was not budging. Talia could see why he wouldn't want to show Lord Elrond the map. Balin had told her what happened the day of the dragon attack, and how the Elves witnessed the whole thing and walked away. Talia's heart broke for the Dwarves that day. That was horrible. She didn't understand how anyone could possibly walk away from desperate people. She could see why Thorin hates Elves. She would have hated Elves if she'd been in his position.

On the other hand, it wasn't these particular Elves that had abandoned them. It wasn't entirely right that the Dwarves should label all Elves the same way. The Dwarves practically trashed everything they saw at Rivendell, yet the Elves still treated them with great hospitality. The Dwarf king seriously needed to suck it up if they wanted to get anywhere.

"For goodness sake, Thorin, show him the map." Gandalf tried to reason.

"It is the legacy of my people; it's mine to protect, as are its secrets." Thorin argued.

"Save me from the stubbornness of Dwarves. Your pride will be your downfall. You stand here in the presence of one of the few in Middle Earth who can read that map. Show it to Lord Elrond." Gandalf urged.

Despite Balin's small protest, Thorin eventually handed the map over. The Elf unrolled the map and looked it over. "Erebor. What is your interest in this map?" he asked. Uh oh. Talia remembered Thorin saying the Elves would try to prevent them from completing the quest, and Gandalf agreed with him. Talia held her breath as it looked like Thorin was preparing to explain.

Before he could, however, Gandalf cut in. "It's mainly academic. As you know, this sort of artifact sometimes contains hidden text. You still read ancient Dwarvish, do you not?"

Thorin gave Gandalf a relieved look of thanks as the Elf lord examined the map. "Cirth Ithil."

"Moon runes. Of course. An easy thing to miss." Gandalf pointed out.

"Well, in this case, that is true; moon runes can only be read by the light of a moon of the same shape and season as the day on which they were written." Lord Elrond explained.

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