Eye of the Storm

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After Thorin and his company had burst forth into battle, even the Men suddenly became more driven. Bard gathered all the Men that were willing to give their last, and they were taking out as many Orcs as they could. Talia even caught a couple of the men taking out a giant Troll. The young woman was about to go in for another fight when something in the distance had barely caught her attention.

She could see them in the distance. She could see Thorin, and three of the others climbing up Ravenhill on goats. "Gandalf!" she called. The Wizard was by the young woman's side instantly. "Look! It's Thorin!" she exclaimed.

"And Fili, and Kili, and Dwalin! He's taking his best warriors." he told her.

Talia furrowed her brows. "To do what?"

The Wizard narrowed his eyes. "To cut the head off the snake."

Talia's eyes widened. They were going to try to kill Azog. The Terran recalled the last time Thorin went to fight the Pale Orc...she specifically remembered it not ending so well. A pang of worry hit Talia right in the heart just then. No. He'll be fine. He won't be alone this time. He could win this. she reassured herself. The young woman was taking in a deep breath when she heard the sound of hooves galloping towards her.

"Gandalf!" Talia turned to see that it was Thranduil's son on a horse, with that Elf girl that Kili liked...Tauriel, riding behind him.

"Legolas! Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf replied. Legolas dismounted his horse, along with Tauriel.

"There is a second army! Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs! They are almost upon us!" the Elf prince warned.

"Gundabad." Gandalf narrowed his eyes. "This was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces and then Bolg sweeps in from the North."

Talia furrowed her brows. "The North? Where is the North, exactly?" she asked.

The Wizard gave her a knowing look. "Ravenhill."

Talia felt her heart stop just then. "Ravenhill...Thorin is up there...and Fili and Kili, they're all up there!" she cried. Gandalf and the two Elves looked at her, and she felt the tears rising to her eyelids. Thorin...her Thorin, and her dearest friends were in the eye of the storm, and there was hardly anything they could do for them.

The young woman was frantically pacing. She had to do something! She had to stop them, warn them, anything! Talia wouldn't leave Thorin up there to die. There had to be something that could be done! Talia was following Gandalf and his every move, trying to figure out some kind of plan. The Wizard had made his way towards Thranduil, and she stopped, wondering how the Elven king would react.

"My lord! Dispatch this force to Ravenhill! The Dwarves are about to be overrun. Thorin must be warned." he told him.

Thranduil narrowed his eyes. "By all means, warn him. I have spent enough Elvish blood in defense of this accursed land, no more!" he replied, walking off in the other direction.

"Thranduil!" Gandalf called, but it did nothing to sway the Elven king into coming back.

Talia shook her head. She had enough of this. "I'll go." she told Gandalf.

The Wizard shook his head. "Don't be ridiculous. You'll never make it!" he said.

Talia raised her brows. "Um, why not?" she challenged.

Gandalf looked at her as-a-matter-of-factly. "Because they will see you coming and kill you." he said slowly, making sure she would process the information.

Talia smirked. "No they won't. I promise, they won't see me." she assured him.

The Wizard shook his head. "It's out of the question! I won't allow it!" he exclaimed.

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