Declarations and Epiphanies

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Talia was sitting with Fili and Kili by the newly blocked up gate when Thorin called out for them to follow him. The young woman had to admit that she was becoming very fed up with Thorin's...obsession. Plus, there was the fact that he, specifically, could hardly leave her alone anymore. After she put the thought of leaving the mountain in his head, Talia found herself being watched by him now more than ever. He was always looking at her as if he were trying to figure out her next move, as if he were waiting for her to take a chance and run away.

The Terran had to admit that she was very tempted to leave. It broke her heart to think like that, but every day, Thorin only seemed to get worse. It had gotten to the point where Talia was already beginning to accept that he would never come back to her. And if that were the case...then what was left for her here?

As much as she loved her Dwarves...Talia knew that they would do just fine without her. She knew that if she were to leave, she would keep the promise she made to Fili and Kili about coming back to visit. She wasn't sure how they'd make that work but...she loved those boys too much to stay away forever.

"Come on." Thorin was making his way up towards the battlements of the front gate. The young woman widened her eyes at the sight the company was met with. She could see the glimmer of golden armor...they were all over the city of Dale. An army of Elves.

Talia didn't want to know what was going through Thorin's head right now. She was sure that he was furious. What was an army of Elves doing practically standing right before them? They couldn't be here just because Talia broke the Dwarves out of their prison, could they? She doubted that such a cause could call for Thranduil to bring a whole army to their doorstep.

The young woman's thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sound of hooves galloping towards them. In the distance, Talia could spot a man on a white horse. As he came closer, his face became more familiar, and the young woman grimaced. Bard.

The Terran had to confess that she was not at all happy to see him again. She was actually hoping that after the company left Laketown, she wouldn't ever have to see him again. He must have come to claim the reward that Thorin had promised the people of Laketown. There was no other explanation. Bard had believed that the company would only bring destruction...which they sort of did, but either way, Talia doubted that Bard was here for any other reason.

"Hail Thorin, son of Thrain! We are glad to find you alive beyond hope!" Bard declared. Talia scowled at this. Yeah right. Bard didn't even like the company, let alone be happy to see that they survived the dragon.

Talia looked to Thorin, who had his eyes narrowed. "Why do you come to the gates of the King Under the Mountain armed for war?" he called down to Bard.

"Why does the King Under the Mountain fence himself in? Like a robber in his hole." Bard challenged.

"Perhaps it is because I am expecting to be robbed." Thorin retorted.

Bard brought his horse closer to the mountain. "My lord, we have not come to rob you, but to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Bard asked. Thorin gave a curt nod, and Talia saw him sending a raven out the mountain before making his way down. The company followed him downstairs, where Thorin stepped up to speak to Bard through a small hole in the stone wall that blocked the front gate.

"I am listening." Thorin stated, not even bothering to make eye contact with Bard.

"On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so that they might rebuild their lives." Bard proposed. Talia widened her eyes. She wasn't surprised that this was what Bard was here for, but she was more anxious as to how Thorin would react to this. He wasn't so far gone that he'd go back on his own word, was he?

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