Taste of Terra-Bitter and Sweet

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The sun was shining through the windows when she woke up. When she opened her eyes, Talia found herself being greeted by a honey bee nuzzling her nose. Only, this bee was about the size of two of her thumbs put together.

The young woman widened her eyes, and shooed the insect away. Talia blinked when she felt soft fur brushing against her hand. She looked down to see she was covered with a big fur cloak. Talia widened her eyes as she realized who the cloak belonged to. She smiled in surprise at Thorin's generosity. She neither expected nor asked this of him last night, she was practically speechless. Perhaps they were on their way to a better start.

Talia got up and folded the furs as nicely as she could, and returned them to Thorin's place where he slept. Walking down the hall, she noticed that the Dwarves and Gandalf were already awake, and discussing ways to approach their host.

"There's no point in arguing. We cannot pass through the Wilderland without Beorn's help. We'll be hunted down before we ever get to the forest." Gandalf told the group. The Wizard looked up to see their Terran walking up just behind Thorin and his nephews.

"Ah. Talisa, there you are. Now, this will require some delicate handling. The last person who startled him was torn to shreds." Talia narrowed her eyes. Who exactly did Gandalf lead them to? "I will go first, and Talisa, you come with me." Gandalf decided. Many of the Dwarves looked at each other.

"What?" Fili asked, his anger clear on his face.

"She is the smallest of us, and you're about to throw her out to someone who could rip her to shreds?" Dwalin narrowed his eyes. Bifur was practically shouting in Khuzdul as Gandalf tried to calm everyone down. The Wizard finally looked to Thorin, who always went through with his plans, even if he was a little dubious about it.

Kili looked away, hiding his repulsion. Gandalf was using Thorin's authority and his...distaste for Talia to carry out his design. "No." Kili looked to his uncle with wide eyes. "I've stuck with your plans and ideas this far Gandalf, but I cannot go through with this one. It's too risky." Gandalf gave Thorin a look of disapproval, but Talia thought she saw a twinkle in his eyes at the same time.

"Very well, I will go first, alone."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Talia asked.

"Yes. Now, all of you, you just wait here, and don't come out until I give the signal. And no sudden moves or loud noises, and don't overcrowd him. And only come out in pairs. No, actually, Bombur, er, you count as two so you should come out alone." Talia bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. Poor Bombur, always last for everything. "Remember, wait for the signal." the Wizard reminded them once more, and then walked out the back door.

The young woman furrowed her brows, and then looked around at the company. "Am I the only one who noticed that he failed to mention what he'd give as a signal?" she asked. The Dwarves looked at her, and then back at the window.

"Don't worry, lass, I've got eyes for this sort of thing!" Bofur assured her, and he kept his eyes on Gandalf.

Talia approached the window to get a good look at the host. She took one look at him before gaping. The man was bigger than Gandalf! He had to be at least twelve feet tall, and Talia figured she could walk between his legs without a problem. 

The young woman couldn't help but feel relieved by the fact that Thorin stopped Gandalf from taking her first. Out of everyone she met on this journey, Talia without doubt would feel the most intimidated by Beorn. Even just looking at him made her feel like a bug he could easily crush.

Talia was so busy staring at Beorn that she didn't notice that most of the Dwarves had made their way out of the house. Huh, so that's why he was looking so angry. "Talia, come on!" The young woman turned around to see Fili taking her arm and leading her out of the house. She ended up being sandwiched between the two brothers as Gandalf hesitantly introduced them to Beorn.

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