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She didn't know how long they had been staring at each other. It felt like it had been hours, and neither one of them seemed to be willing to break the eye contact. Thorin looked shocked that she was there, but Talia could also tell that he was holding his breath from the pain he was in. Talia would honestly be lying if she didn't admit that a part of her wanted to run out the door right then and there. There was so much that she could have said to him but...she knew that her emotions would have caused the words to come out completely wrong, and more pain was the last thing she wanted him to feel at the moment. So what was she supposed to say?

"You're here." he breathed, though Talia could tell that it was nowhere easy for him to talk. The young woman remained silent, she only continued to stare at him with wide eyes, unable to find the words that could possibly describe what she was feeling. Thorin, on the other hand, gave a slight smile. "I'm glad you're here." When she still gave no reply of any kind, his smile faded. "Talia, I do not wish to part from you like this. Please, allow me to-"

"No." she firmly interrupted, ignoring the look of remorse in Thorin's eyes. "You're a damn fool if you think you're going anywhere."

She could see the relief washing over Thorin as his expression softened. "Talia, I would take words and my deeds at the gate. You did what only a true friend would do. Forgive me." he rasped, his voice sounding like he was being strangled. "Forgive me, please. I was too blind to see it."

"Shh." Talia's lips formed into a frown, and she could feel the tears rising as he reached out for her. She met him halfway and entwined her cold, numb fingers with his.

"I am so sorry...that I have led you into such peril." Thorin began to cough and wince from the force of it before he could say more.

Talia began stroking his arm with her free hand, trying to calm him all while trying to stay calm herself. It hurt so badly to see him like this, yet she couldn't risk increasing any anxiety he had with her own. When his coughing fit had ceased, she gave him a watery smile.

"You're so stupid, have I ever told you that?" she asked. Thorin widened his eyes, and let out a small chuckle. "I would do it all again. I really would. All of it. You boys gave me my life back. Do you think I ever would've imagined that happening? That is far more than what I deserve." she sniffled.

Thorin gave a sigh of relief, smiling at her as he did. "There's been something...something I've been meaning to give you." he said. Thorin brought his other arm over to place something in Talia's hand. She looked to see that there was a small silver bead laying in her palm. She gave a small smile.

"What is it?" she asked, observing the small symbol engraved in the bead.

"I forged it myself. That's the symbol of the House of Durin engraved in it, the symbol of my kin." he explained. The first tears began to escape her eyes, and she took a deep breath to steady her pulse. She looked back up at Thorin, who spoke before she could. "Ghivashel...means my "treasure of all treasures"."

Talia froze in her place. "Thorin...why would y-"

"I love you." he choked. Talia widened her eyes, a blush creeping onto her cheeks while even more tears blurred her vision.

W-what?" she stuttered.

Thorin opened his mouth a little before he spoke. "I am in love with you, Talia Russo, and I was a fool to hide it from you this long. I'm so sorry. I know that I don't deserve your love...or even your forgiveness, and I will carry that regret for the rest of my life. But I have to know...would you have accepted me had I not done what I did?"

Talia put a hand to her mouth, swallowing the waves of tears that threatened to crash. When she found herself somewhat calmer, she slowly moved her hands to cup his cheeks and stroke his scratchy beard with her thumbs. Talia stood from the chair to sit on the bed, and she could feel her body beginning to tremble with nerves as she leaned in closer to him. She felt his warm breath on her face, and they both heard her shaky, nervous breaths as she slowly mingled her lips with his.

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