Songs and Stories

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The next few days went by in a blur. The days consisted of riding, along with short breaks in between for meals and rest. The songs of the Dwarves had stopped and conversation was running somewhat thin. Having enough with the boredom, Talia finally pulled out her earbuds and began to listen to music on her phone.

She was so focused on the music that she didn't hear Fili calling for her. The young woman finally turned her head towards the Dwarf prince after he waved a hand in front of her face. "Sorry. I wasn't paying attention." she told him.

"For a minute, I thought you'd gone deaf like Oin." Fili said.

Talia chuckled. "Nah, not yet at least. I was listening to music."

"You can listen to music on that thing?" That explains why she was waving her head around and whispering inaudible words. he thought.

"Yeah, do you wanna listen?" she asked. Fili nodded in excitement, and Talia unplugged the earbuds from the phone and searched through her songs. She decided that a country song was best; the music wasn't completely foreign and the lyrics wouldn't scar them for life.

The young woman played the song and held her phone out a little more so that Fili could hear it better, along with anyone else who wanted to listen. Talia smiled as she saw Fili's eyes widen as the guitar began. The young woman laughed and sang in a fun-fake voice to the song that reminded her of the rambunctious Dwarves.

Hey y'all, watch this!
Daddy's belt
Mama's drapes
Standing tall on the backyard shed
Lookin' cool in my Superman cape
I told the neighborhood girls,
said "Hey y'all, watch this!"
My fate was a broken arm
My reward, one big kiss
When Daddy asked me why I did it
I made him laugh out loud
When I told him 'cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal, glory fades
And all we're left with are the memories made, oh yeah
Pain hurts, but only for a minute
Yeah, life is short so go on and live it
'Cause the chicks dig it

Blacktop road
Learner permit
Thought I was Earnhardt
Drivin' fast, but I didn't see the ditch
Took out a mailbox, then a fence, then a barn
The police came and called my father
But I met the farmer's daughter
And when the judge asked me why I did it
He threw the book at me when I told him 'cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal, glory fades
And all we're left with are the memories made, oh yeah
Pain hurts, but only for a minute
Yeah, life is short so go on and live it
'Cause the chicks dig it

Just throw caution to the wind my friend
Then sit back and watch your life begin, 'cause

Scars heal, glory fades
And all we're left with are the memories made
Pain hurts, but only for a minute
Yeah, life is short so go on and live it
'Cause the chicks dig it

Scars heal, glory fades
And all we're left with are the memories made
Pain hurts, but only for a minute
Yeah, life is short so go on and live it
It don't matter if you lose or if you win it
Hey the chicks dig it

Soon after the song started, many of the Dwarves rode closer to Talia and Fili to listen. They started humming to the tune, and Bofur even started singing the chorus after picking it up. The young woman had caught Dwalin giving her a glare, as if he were telling her to stop acting stupid.

Talia merely gave him a big smile and started laughing. "I know you wanna join us, Dwalin!" she nearly shouted. Dwalin shrugged and rode ahead of the group, hiding the small chuckle that left his lips. When the song ended, the Dwarves cheered and applauded the young woman.

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