Behind Bars

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Talia had been following the Elven guards for over a week, and still hadn't found the Dwarves. She was about ready to give up. She didn't know how much longer she would last without getting caught.

The young woman was barely surviving. Talia was barely eating enough food to keep herself standing, and she was sleeping in odd places such as storage closets, under tables, and lonely corners. Even with her stealth and small body, Talia knew that one day she might be less careful, and the Elves would sense her presence despite her wearing of the ring.

But then again, how would she get out? The Terran had been so focused on trying to find the Dwarves that she hadn't even thought about trying to find a way out afterwards. But she thought again.

Could she really leave them in a prison without knowing whatever became of them? And if she did manage to get out of this place, where would she go? She wasn't completely out of the forest, and she would have no idea where she'd start. No, she would find her Dwarves. And they would make it out of here.

The young woman was walking down the halls in attempts to find the Dwarves when she heard him. "I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?" Talia stopped dead in her tracks and turned around slowly. She looked up to see the Elven king himself. Thranduil.

Talia remembered the Dwarves mentioning his name with more than distaste. This was the guy who abandoned them when they were desperate. He looked upon a wounded, homeless people, and turned around as if it never happened.

She knew it was him. The Elf had pale blue eyes that had a gaze so cold that it gave Talia goosebumps. Thranduil had a tall, proud stature, and silver-blonde hair, leading Talia to believe that the leader of the Elf company that captured the Dwarves was his son.

The young woman froze in his sight. She kept her hand over her mouth, and was absolutely still. "I was coming to report to you." Talia breathed a silent sigh of relief when an Elf girl peered behind her.

"I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed not two moons past." the king scolded.

"We cleared the forest as ordered, my lord, but more spiders keep coming up from the South. They are spawning in the ruins of Dol Guldur; if we could kill them at their source-"

"That fortress lies beyond our borders. Keep our lands clear of those foul creatures, that is your task." the king said.

As Talia continued to tiptoe her way down the hall, she couldn't help but be a little curious about their discussion. "And when we drive them off, what then? Will they not spread to other lands?" the She-Elf asked.

"Other lands are not my concern." Thranduil coolly replied.

With that, Talia had heard enough. This king was just as selfish as the Dwarves led her to believe. Although he was looking after his own, that was all he cared about. His own. King Thranduil felt threatened by anyone who didn't look like him, and that was why he didn't help the Dwarves that day. Sickened by his mindset, Talia continued on her way, ignoring whatever else he and the She-Elf were saying.

It had been another hour or two before the young woman began to hear voices. She walked a little further to see that she was down in the dungeons. Talia scanned the cells and finally spotted who was speaking. Kili.

Talia breathed in a smile as she heard his voice. It had felt so long since she'd seen or heard someone that wouldn't want to imprison her. But then she heard another voice. A woman's voice.

Talia furrowed her brows, as she had heard the voice before. The young woman moved a little closer to see that it was the same Elf girl that had spoken to the king earlier. Talia smiled as Kili told her about his promise to come back to his mother. She then heard them beginning to talk about their views on things.

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