Leaving Home for the Unknown

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The sounds of the Dwarves packing their things and making breakfast woke the young woman from her sleep. Poor Talia hadn't slept well at all that night. She reluctantly forced herself to get up, with a sore back and sleepy eyes. She figured that she should start packing for the journey.

Considering what the Dwarves and Gandalf were wearing, she assumed that Middle Earth wasn't developed enough to have cars, so she shouldn't take anything that she couldn't carry on her back. Talia went into her room to find the door open, and her bed made. Huh, this guy has a LOT more manners than I thought he did. she thought to herself. She went into her closet and grabbed her big school backpack.

In it, she placed two changes of clothes, feminine products, a couple of her favorite books, pictures of her family, and a small book of senior pictures of both her and her friends. There was no way she would completely leave her memories behind her. Even if it hurt, she couldn't let herself forget Earth/Terra. She couldn't forget the people who made an impact on her life.

When she believed that she had everything she needed, she got dressed. Talia decided on putting on some joggers, along with a short-sleeve shirt, a jacket, and her high tops. After putting her hair up in her usual high bun, she went to go and see what food the Dwarves hopefully left her.

When Talia arrived in the kitchen, many of the Dwarves were staring at her in surprise. Ignoring them, she continued on her way to the pantry. She decided to pack some chocolate bars, goldfish crackers, oreos, and a jar of peanut butter. When she had the food packed, she grabbed an apple and a blueberry bagel, along with her coffee, and sat at the table to eat.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the Dwarves tossing what looked like money sacks to each other. "What's all that about?" she asked Gandalf, who just sat down to join her.

"Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you would join us. Most of them bet you wouldn't." he explained.

Talia furrowed her brows at this, but didn't say anything more about it. Looks like the leader failed to tell them that I signed the contract last night. she thought sourly. "I just have one quick question." Gandalf raised his eyebrows. "Do you think you'd be able to make my phone's battery be permanently at 100%?"

Gandalf rolled his eyes at this. "If it makes you more pleasant on the journey, then I don't see why not." Talia laughed and thanked him before handing him her iPhone. The Wizard held it in his hands and whispered some words unknown to the young woman, and handed it back to her.

"Thanks! You're awesome!"​

After Gandalf left her, she was approached by Fili and Kili. "I see you've decided to join us, little lady." Kili chirped.

Talia chuckled. "For your information, I happen to be tall for a...Terran woman."

"Really?" Fili asked.

"Yeah, just walk outside, and you'll see what I'm talking about. Believe it or not, I'm taller than most of the boys in this neighborhood." Talia added. The two brothers looked at her with wide eyes, and she laughed. "So, why did you boys decide to do this?" Talia asked. They did seem a little young for this kind of thing, at least compared to the other members of the company.

"Thorin is our uncle." Fili told her, and that phrase said all for Talia. Even though she only knew Thorin for a few hours, she could tell that growing up with a role model like him had to be hard. These boys were here to prove themselves to him.

She also scolded herself for not putting it together in the first place. Fili and Kili were both taller like their uncle, and Fili had similar blue eyes while Kili had the same dark hair. "Oh, I get it." Talia nodded. Both boys nodded in response.

"So, what do you like to do for fun?" Kili asked happily. Talia giggled, and gave him a strange look, surprised at how straightforward he was.

Fili noticed that look in her eye. "We're not trying to make you uncomfortable, it's just that we'll be spending a lot of time together from now on. We might as well get to know each other." he winked at her.

Talia burst out laughing and threw her hands up. "Ok, fine."

Talia told the brothers, who listened quite eagerly, about how she loved to play sports, read adventure books, and sing and dance when no one was around. In exchange, the boys told her about how they liked to dance around as well, and pull pranks. Talia became very intrigued with the stories of their childhood, and was extremely surprised and amused when they told her that they'd even pranked their uncle a couple of times. Talia had already grown fond of those two boys, and became even less sad to be leaving.

​"Gandalf, we need to move out!" Talia could hear the deep, commanding voice of Thorin, who was already at the front door, ready to leave. Immediately, the Dwarves made for the front door.

"Are you coming, Miss Talisa?" Kili asked.

Talia gave him a smile. "Yeah, you boys go ahead and I'll catch up."

She needed a moment. This would more than likely be the last time she ever set foot in this house. The young woman went into her bedroom and looked it over. She could still see her nine-year-old self jumping on the bed with Drey and Abbie. She could see the many, many sleepovers with her girls, and the athletic parties that she hosted.

No. She wouldn't cry now. She wouldn't back out of this. She had to think of this as entering a new chapter in her life. That was technically supposed to happen at this time anyway. It was just happening a couple of months early. With a deep breath, Talia said goodbye to her bedroom, and the memories that it beheld. And she didn't look back.

The young woman found the company waiting for her outside in the front yard, secretly thankful that the sun wasn't up, so the neighbors couldn't see them. She locked the front door and approached them. "Well! Now that we are all here, we can make our way back to Middle Earth." Gandalf announced. "I'm assuming you all remember the process of transportation." The Dwarves nodded slowly, while Talia furrowed her brows.

"What's the "process of transportation"?"

"You'll see, by going last." Gandalf answered. "As most of you know, we will begin our journey in the Shire, and if all goes well, we will arrive at the mountain in about five months. Are there any more questions?" the Wizard asked.

"Yeah, I got one. Why are we starting at place so far away? Can't you just transport us there?" Talia asked.

"I'm afraid not, my dear girl. It's as I said last night, there is no one in this company who can read the map that gives the answer to the hidden door. Before we reach Erebor, we must seek the help of someone who can." Gandalf explained.

Talia furrowed her brows. "And, we're gonna find these people in the Shire?" she asked.

The Wizard's face fell, and he quickly turned around, completely ignoring the young woman. "Now, let's get a move on!" the Wizard announced.

Before Talia could argue any further, Gandalf brought Bombur towards him to go first. He took hold of the Wizard's staff, and within a second, they both vanished. Talia couldn't believe her eyes. A part of her still hadn't believed everything Gandalf said was true. After about thirty seconds, the Wizard came back to take the next person. Well, that explains why most of them came to the house one at a time. Talia thought. Gandalf kept leaving, and coming back, until she was the only one left.

Talia took one last look at the house before turning away. The Wizard put an arm around her shoulders. "Come, Talisa. Do not doubt yourself now. Home is behind you, the world is ahead." he encouraged. Talia looked at him and gave a nervous smile. Gandalf smiled back. "Now, transportation is just about as simple as it looks. Just hold on tight to my staff, and keep holding on." Talia hesitated, but eventually took hold of the staff and closed her eyes. It was time for her new adventure to begin.

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