Gandalf's Plan

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The company walked down a narrow passage for a couple of meters before reaching an opening. What Talia came to find was more magnificent than anything she'd seen on this journey so far.

She found herself in a green valley surrounded by waterfalls, and in the middle of it, a massive castle-like mansion. The young woman could already see the intricate archways and complex designs of the white stone building from where she was standing. To say it was beautiful was an understatement. It looked like a sight that children would see in their dreams. Talia even blinked a few times to make sure what she saw was real.

"The Valley of Imladris. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name." Gandalf announced.

Talia turned her head. "What's that?" she asked.

"Rivendell. Here lies the last Homely House east of the sea." the Wizard told her. Talia looked again in awe, but then at the Dwarves.

They did not look too happy to be there. The young woman then remembered how Thorin spat out the mentioning of Elves. She guessed that this was the home of Elves and the Dwarves aren't particularly fond of them. Talia was proved to be right when Thorin marched right towards the Wizard.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." the leader hissed.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring upon yourself." Gandalf told him.

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin snapped. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will. But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm." Gandalf elaborated. "Which is why you will leave the talking to me." the Wizard warned.

The young woman narrowed her eyes at Gandalf's statement and she turned around to smirk. "Oh wow. You're sneaky aren't you? You knew we had to come here for that stupid map, didn't you? You just had us start this journey in the Shire so you could attempt to soften up this guy about the idea!" she exclaimed, pointing her finger right at Thorin.

The Wizard gave Talia a look of disapproval, huffed, and began to lead the company towards the city. She could also feel Thorin glaring at her back. Clearly, neither one of them were too happy with the fact that she was able figure out Gandalf's oh so clever plan.

Talia couldn't help but admire the place as they got closer. She loved the sound of the waterfalls mixed with the blowing of the wind. It was almost as if the air was even fresher to breathe there.

Then she looked at the architecture. It was even more amazing up close. She also had to wonder how Elves could even build all this. Then again, the only Elves that Talia had a complete knowledge of were toymakers that assisted a fat man in a red coat in the North Pole. She was pretty sure that Middle Earth didn't even have a North Pole. So what did the Elves here do?

When the company reached what Talia considered to be the front porch, they were greeted by a man a little shorter than Gandalf, with long, straight dark hair. "Mithrandir." he greeted. Talia's eyes widened. She had to admit that this guy was attractive! He was absolutely ethereal! Talia could have sworn that he was an angel...until she saw his pointy ears. ​He was an Elf!

The young woman was almost in denial. She turned to Bofur as Gandalf spoke with him. "He's an Elf?" she asked, still in slight shock. Bofur nodded to her, showing his clear distaste for either Talia's question or the Elf. The young woman's eyes widened even more. "God...Terra screwed this one up real bad!" she said...a little too loudly.

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