Live Monster

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He was more terrifying than any dinosaur in the "Jurassic Park" movies. He was more frightening than any monster that could be hiding under some kid's bed. The mere sight of him could send all the creatures of Terra screaming in a panic. The image of the dragon would be engraved in Talia's mind for the rest of her life.

Smaug's head alone was the size of a school bus. His body looked like two jumbo jets glued together. A single one of his teeth could rip her body in half with ease. Every claw, every red scale, every gleam in his eyes made Talia want to scream. Standing before her, was a live monster.

"Well, thief." His voice sounded like it invented the words "deep" and "grave". It was so orotund it sent vibrations running through Talia's spine. The young woman continued to cover her mouth with her hand, and was holding back screams and whimpers as the dragon brought his head closer and closer to her.

"I smell you. I hear your breath. I feel your air. Where are you?" he sneered. He slithered around the Terran, only to come back to face her. It was as if he could see her right through the invisible shield of the ring. "Where are you?" he rumbled once again. She couldn't remain frozen anymore. The young woman took off down the gold piles as fast as she could, and began to run.

Immediately hearing the sound of the coins clanging together, Smaug set off after her. He was slithering his way through the piles of gold, nearly crashing into Talia as he did. The young woman finally managed to get behind a stone pillar.

Though she didn't run a far distance, sweat was weaving out of her forehead, and it didn't show signs of stopping. There was so much adrenaline coursing through her system, she thought she was going to have a heart attack. Talia put her hand back over her mouth, trying not to draw the dragon's attention.

"Come now, don't be shy. Step into the light." Smaug challenged. The next thing Talia knew, his head peered out of nowhere, his yellow, glowing eye directly on her. She couldn't hide anymore, even with the ring. He knew she was there. "There is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold, but far. More. Precious." he hissed, and at that word, that name, Talia winced as a horrid pain came over her head.

When she opened her eyes, an image of what looked like a flaming eye came into her vision. With a yell of pain, Talia ripped the ring off her finger, revealing herself to Smaug. "There you are, thief in the shadows." Smaug sneered. The young woman's breath shook as she nodded quickly, which turned into shaking her head.

"I...I-I didn't come steal from you. I-I-I just...I just wanted to see you, Smaug, the Terrible. I wanted to see if you were as great and mighty as they said in the stories. I-I didn't believe them." she stuttered, trying her absolute best not to whimper.

The dragon backed away from Talia, and made his entire figure visible to her. A giant serpent with limbs and wings. She could see that he had two hind legs, while his clawed wings served as his front extremities. So...technically a wyvern? Does it matter? Either one could kill you in one second! "And, do you now?" he challenged.

Talia nearly choked as she had to remind herself to inhale. "I-I have to say...the tales and songs...they fall very short of-of your...monumental stature!"

The dragon looked as if he were smirking. "Do you think flattery will keep you alive?"

At that, the Terran blinked. "Oh-no-no."

"No, indeed. You seem familiar with my name, but I don't remember smelling your kind before. Who are you, and where do you come from, may I ask?" Smaug growled. If Talia's eyes could widen even more, they did. What was she supposed to say? She wasn't going to tell him her name...or where she was from. Though she doubted Smaug would be able to get to the U.S. all by himself...she could only be too careful.

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