Chapter 6

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Feeling my wolf come forward, I could feel her excitement for an actual challenge, and I could tell that was exactly what I was going to get from Knox. Snapping my neck from side to side, we stood silently across from one another. Both of us sizing each other, deciding what each other's strengths and weaknesses were.

"We can take him, he's big but we're fast. Don't rush this. We can tire him out. Just let me handle this." My wolf spoke quietly. Agreeing with her instinct, I felt my teeth begin to elongate and my nails begin to grow.

Bringing my hands in front of me, we began slowly circling each other. A slow smile pulled at my mouth as I watched his muscles beneath his skin of his right hand move. Such a small movement you'd almost miss it. I could see his body ready to lunge forward, his body sprung toward me like a rubber band, his fist aiming for my gut. I quickly jumped to the left; missing the blow to my body only by an inch. He took a large step towards me, his left fist now connecting to my side harshly; not able to move out of the way in time, I held my breath as I backed away quickly.

We spun around to face each other once again. Colton covering his face has we circled each other "Don't doubt your Luna boy, I'm sure as hell not" Knox called out. Making my wolf swell with pride. His large arms quickly wrapped around me in a vice grip. There no use shaking him off, Bringing the heel of my foot up, I stomped harshly on his foot causing his grip to lessen slightly, he growled under his breath as I wiggled quickly out of his arms; only to tuck and roll under his legs. Standing up behind him, I brought my right foot back up; kicking out the back of his knees. His body falling forward with a large thud.  A deep satisfying growl escaped my chest seeing my opponent on the ground.

Giving him a moment to get back up, I felt a burst of chills tickle across my body, everything in me wanting to turn around but I ignored it. Knox got to his feet, face caked with dirt making him look even more intimidating. I could see how truly small I was to him. "Shut up, we're doing fine. We will prove our power!" My wolf growled at me.

Taking a deep breath, both of us lunged forward at the same time. Using his legs as a step, I bolted myself in the air, climbing quickly on top of his shoulders. Locking my legs around his neck. I balled my fist as I felt his hands claw at me trying to loosen my grip. Pulling my right arm back; I let my knuckles pound into the side of temple while my other hand had a grip of the back of his hair, holding his head in place. For a split second my eyes scanned our area, a crowed of people's eyes focused on us and a pair of angry green eyes boring into my face. Knox's hands were becoming slower, exhaustion was kicking his ass. "You're like a goddamn spider monkey!!" Knox all but growled out. His hands painfully twisted my legs making me hiss out in pain.

Jumping off his back, I quickly ran toward Ryker as I listened to Knox's heavy steps behind me; stopping abruptly.  Smirking at Ryker as I felt his eyes watch my every move , I spun around keeping my right leg out, successfully tripping Knox's feet.  I stood up proudly as I watched his body on the ground once again.  Placing my hands on  my hips, leaning to the side casually, a deep growl from Ryker came from behind me, making my wolf want to run to his arms. But we were in fight mode. Walking slowly up to Knox, his breathing heavy as he laid on the ground. Stomping the heel of my foot into his gut, he cried out loudly earning a sinister smile grow on my lips. He flipped his body onto his stomach to avoid another blow to the gut. I circled him slowly, knowing full well he wouldn't be getting back up. My eyes couldn't help but meet Ryker's, his intense gaze causing something in me churn. I must have looked crazed to him.

Turning my gaze back to Knox's body; I stood over him from behind, shoving my foot into the middle of his back before grabbing both of his arms and twisting them unnaturally as I pulled them back toward myself; causing his face to lift up facing everyone who's watching. He all but screamed out causing everyone to gasp.

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