Chapter 20

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"Focus Nova!" Ryker roared

"I am!"

My chest heaved up and down as I tried to catch my breath.

Ryker's body suddenly rushed forward but I was quick enough to leap away from his charge.

The sun was setting and my legs were beginning to shake.  Ryker had been completely serious about him training me himself.  Everyday at dawn we would spar until sunset.  We have been training everyday for weeks.

My body trembled as I held my stance, prepared for another attack.

"Getting tired?" He taunted.

My eyebrows pulled together, glaring up at him "No" I could tell he was trying to rile me up.  He knew exactly what buttons to push.

He arched an eyebrow, a smug smile plastered on his face "I can't have a weak female fighting during a battle"

My wolf growled within at his words.  I felt an angry surge of energy arise in me "Fuck you" 

I sprang forward, charging toward him before knocking his feet out from under him.  His body landing on the dirt with a large thud.  A deep growl escaped his lips before he jumped back up on his feet.  

Circling his body as his eyes stayed on my moving body.  His body faltered the slightest bit on his left leg, I took that opportunity land a hard kick to the left of his torso.  His strong hands caught my foot as it connected with his body.

He twisted my leg painfully "Son of a bitch" I hissed out.

He let me fall to ground before pinning me to the ground.  Hands keeping both of my arms pinned to the ground.

His bright green eyes sparkled as he smirked down at me, thinking he had won.  Letting my arms wrap around his neck I watched as his face leaned down to my lips and just before they touched. I used all my energy and flipped us and now I was the one pinning Ryker to ground.

His smile widened as I held him down.  My knee digging into his chest as I held his arms over his head.

"Can we stop now" Yawning as I jumped off of him.  Stretching my arms above my head.  I did my best to ignore the ache in my muscles.

He got up slowly, sweat glistening on his chest.  My eyes lingering longer than intended, he stood in front of me now in all of his glory.

"Yes we can be done for the night" He began heading toward the pack house, his back to me.  I ran as quickly and quietly before leaping on his back.  He let out a deep chuckle as I clung to him.

"What on earth are you doing?"

Nuzzling my head in  his neck "Hitching a ride"

As he carried me with ease to the pack house, we stepped into the dinning room, I inhaled the smell of food and quickly leaped off of Ryker and headed straight for the food.  

I was greeted by Knox who was getting his own plate of food.

"Good training today Luna?" 

"I'd say, my bones feel like jelly"

Knox let out a chuckle before the two of us sat down with our food.   Ryker soon followed, sitting beside me.  We all began eating, chatting.  I felt something nudge my knee from under the table and looked up at Ryker's boyish grin.  I couldn't help but shake my head as I shoveled more food into my mouth.

"Did you kick his ass?" Callie laughed from across the table.

"You know it" I felt another nudge from Ryker before he looked up from under his lashes to smirk at me.  Knowing full well that he had me beat during most of the training

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