Chapter 22

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I felt a numbness as I stepped away from my father's body.  My eyes were fixed on his still figure, as if waiting for him to move.

Ryker stayed silent, I could feel his stare burning into the back of me. Rolling my shoulders before turning to Ryker's intense gaze.  "Anyone that stayed out of the fight, I want to offer them to join our pack.  They shouldn't have to become rogue if they wanted nothing to do with this"

 "Sounds reasonable" Ryker nodded.

Taking a deep breath. I bent down and grabbed my father's arm "Let's get this over with" Dragging his body out the door. Ryker walked beside me handing me a shirt to put on as the wolves of my father's pack fell to the ground in submission.  Fear coming off of them in waves.  

Dropping my father's body in the middle of the field "This war is over! Any of you left alive. You have no pack, you don't deserve my mercy! Now get the fuck off of my land!" Turning my head seeing Cole's wolf let out a victory howl, before Knox let out one and soon all the pack members were howling in unison.  Ryker let out a loud howl taking me off guard, the sound vibrated within me as we stared at each other.

"Cole, I would like you to retrieve my mother and my brother.  And anyone who wasn't apart of this fight, offer them sanctuary and our pack is open to them"  Cole shifted immediately as I watched him and everyone else get rid of the left mutts.

Ryker's hand grasped mine as his eyes searched mine.  "Are you okay?"

Glancing down at my father's body, then back to Ryker's "I'll be fine"  But even I could hear uncertainty in my own voice.  

His brows pulled together, not believing me before his eyes searched along body.  I bruised and had a few deep scrapes, nothing serious but it was when his eyes landed on the huge bite mark on my thigh I could feel his anger and concern.  He knelt down and moved my shirt to examine my wound.  We should have the pack doctor look at this.

It was then Callie came to mind "Callie! We need to see Callie!" I felt my body begin to shake as I reached for Ryker. His arms swept underneath me as he raced us to the safe room.

Ryker unlocked the outside locks "It's over"

Ryker carried me in but the minute my eyes landed on Callie my body forced itself away from him and went to her side. Moving my hand to her's as I looked to the pack doctor "Will she be okay?"

Blared let out a sigh before patting Callie's hair "She's lost a lot of blood but her wolf is strong, she just needs to rest."

Ryker sighed in relief before nodding to blare "Thank you, will please check our Luna though.  Her leg was bitten pretty badly"

Hearing Ryker's words, my eyes glance down at the blood steadily bleeding from my leg. Blare came to my side immediately, guiding me to the hospital like bed beside Callie.

"Jesus girl, how were you standing?" Blare commented with mother like glare. Which almost made me smile if it wasn't for the needle she shoved into me causing me yelp in pain.

"Fuck! Warn a person!" I growled out but blared ignored me as she continued to do her work.

Ryker growled behind her every time I made a sound "Alpha maybe you should go, the injection I gave her will cause her to go to sleep soon.  Her body needs rest and time to heal. Whatever wolf did this, tore a lot of her muscle"

My body was beginning to feel heavy as Ryker came to my side.  His warm hand cupped my cheek, leaning into his touch as my eye lids felt like a ton of bricks.

"I'll be back soon my dear Luna" His lips on my forehead were the last thing I felt as everything around me became dark and quiet.

The sound of people talking was slowly waking me up but my eyes felt to heavy.

"How long has she been like this?" I couldn't quite place the voice I knew the voice but all of my senses felt fuzzy.

"They BOTH have been asleep going on 16hrs now"  It was Ryker's voice now, he sounded annoyed.

"Ryker?" I whimpered through the mind link.

I felt his body beside me now, his hand cupped my cheek causing a rush of heat flood to my face.  "I'm right here baby" His soft voice whispered in my ear.

"Nova?" My moms voice was close. 

Forcing my eyes open, my head swirled as I tried to focus on Ryker's face.  His tired eyes held mine as he brought his lips to mine, seeming to make my whole body come back to life.

"Nova, honey? Are you alright?" My mom spoke.  Turning my head to see her in a wheelchair beside me, her eyes tearing up as she smiled at me.

My hand reached for hers, "You're okay?" Tears brimmed my eyes seeing her, she nodded her head while patting my hand gently "Where's Frankie?" Trying to look around but my body felt stiff.

Mom coughed while trying not to smile, making my brows pull together and Ryker growl beside me.  

"Look to your right honey" Mom motioned.

And there was Frankie, hovering over Callie. I knew the look in his eyes with in seconds.

"Your sister is awake you know?" Calling in Frankie's direction but his eyes were glued on Callie.

"I'm glad you're alright sis" He glanced over giving a sheepish smile before gazing back a Callie's sleeping form.

Smiling as I watched him, you'd have to be blind not to see they were mates.  Callie is a couple years older and she'll probably be stubborn but they'll be happy.

Turning back to Ryker, seeing his annoyed gaze on my brother. Reaching out to cup his face, his eyes moved back to me "He will treasure her Ryker" Whispering gently.  

"Doesn't mean I have to like it" He grumbled out making me smirk.

I winced as my leg was began to throb. Ryker's eyes looked over my body  before his eyes landed on my leg. "I'll get the pack doc to give you something for the pain" 

Shaking my head "I'm fine, I'll heal on my own soon enough" 

Ryker seemed to want to argue and so did my mom but they seemed like they were both keeping something from me.

"What?" Looking to them both. Mom's hand held mine.

"Doctor said you're going to take a bit longer than normal to heal, there was a lot of damaged done" Ryker spoke gently.  "She told us your adrenaline had helped you beat your father but you lost a lot of blood and that there was a quite a bit nerve damaged done to it" His eyes darkened in anger.

Mom spoke up now "You're essentially on bed rest" 

Bringing my hands to my face "But the pack, the new members, they need their Luna and to know she's not weak" Arguing back quickly.

"Nova, everyone understands. The pack can wait" Ryker answered back quickly "If they don't I will personally handle it" Growling the last bit out.

My body was already feeling overworked and exhausted. 

"For now, rest.  You'll show them your strength soon enough" He smiled down at me before I felt my body begin fall back asleep on it's own accord.

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