Chapter 15

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We stood outside my father's office, my heart raced within my chest and uneasiness filled my stomach. Ryker's arm was protectively wrapped around my waist.

"You sure you want to stay for this?" His voice filled with concern sincerity.

Taking a slow deep breath "Yes"

Ryker nodded once before turning to the door and knocking twice.

There was no answer right away causing my anxiety begin to rise. Ryker gave a reassuring squeeze.

"Come in" My fathers voice boomed from the other side of the door.

Ryker kept me slightly behind him as we walked in. The room filled with the smell of alcohol. Nearly making my nose burn.

Father stood up from his desk. His face sunken in, his bloodshot eyes burning into the two of us "Sit"

Ryker's chest rumbled within, not liking my father's lack of respect. Taking his hand in mine, it my turn to give him a reassuring squeeze. His eyes held mine before we sat down across from the looks of my rage stricken father.

He crossed his chest as a thick silence filled the air around us. Ryker had a tight grip around my hand, I tried to ignore the slight pain he was causing.

"We can't just sit here in silence"

My father and Ryker's eyes shifting to me at my words. I could only shrug, this issue had to be solved between the packs

Lifting an eyebrow at my father "Is it true you been threatening to start a war with my pack" unable to hold back a growl at the end of my words.

My father's face holding shock while Ryker's eyes twinkled with pride at me earning a small smile. My father's angry eyes glaring down at me.

"I am your father, and your Alpha you will show me respect" he seethed.

"Watch how you speak to my mate" Ryker stood quickly up from his chair shaking in anger, placing my hand on his arm "It's alright" Doing my best to calm him. He slowly sat back down crossing hid arms.

Standing to my feet, leaning my hands on his desk "You threaten war onto my pack, you expect me to show you respect? You are my father, and an alpha, but I am Luna and this MY pack you stupidly threatened"

Ryker's hand went to the small of my back from behind but I kept stance. My father stood from his desk, his rage coming off of him in waves "Did you forget this was your pack? Before that poor of excuse of an wolf took you"

"Let me rip him shreds" my wolf growled.

But before anything could happen Ryker was quick to jump across the table holding my father by the throat.

"Want to say that one more time?" Ryker said with a chilling calmness.

Crossing my arms over my chest. My body raged within but reveled in seeing our mate show who was in charge.

My father squirmed in his grip "You heard me. You're pathetic, just like your father" he coughed out.

Ryker shoved my father's body to the wall, bringing his face in close "You've got a lot of room to speak" he seethed.

Slowly stepping around the desk I placed a hand on Ryker's shoulder causing him to freeze. My father's face beginning to turn blue.

Ryker snapped his head in my direction dropping my father into a heap on the ground "This is his fault. I should kill him now"

Feeling slightly loss for words, Ryker's body kneeled down to my father "But if I kill you, I'd be just like you" his low voice sending chills down my spine.

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