Chapter 23

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***One Month Later***

"No, I'm fine I swear!" Growling at Ryker who backed away with his hands surrendering.  

Slowing I walked across the training area, my leg throbbed a little but nothing I couldn't handle. Ryker kept offering his arm to assist me but I couldn't stand him touching me.  I needed to be able to do things on my own.  Plus, Ever since the accident Ryker and I haven't done "It"  because he's afraid to hurt me.  So my hormones felt amplified. 

Frankie and Callie waved to me from the distance. The two of them basically inseparable since discovering their mates.  Watching the two in such bliss made me almost jealous, I wanted nothing more than my mate, but couldn't have him though he was right at my finger tips.

"How's your leg? Do you want to go back?" Ryker asked, his eyes trained on my leg then on my face.

"Ryker no offense but I can not be locked in that bedroom with you any longer" Blush rose to my cheeks as Ryker chuckled from behind me as his hands wrapped around me halting me  from moving.

"Is that true my poor deprived Luna" 

His hands caused sparks as I leaned my head back against his chest.

"Get a room if your going to do that!" Callie laughed out.

"I wish" Grumbling just loud enough for Ryker to hear. 

"If you don't think it's taking a toll on me too, you are sadly mistaken" He voice growled lowly in my ear causing goosebumps to rise.

"But we have business to attend to, the ceremony for all the new pack members is tonight so we need to prepare for that" Ryker spoke as we continued walking across the field.

"I forgot that was today" Rubbing the palms of my hands on my face.

"Don't worry, Callie plans on helping you get ready" 

I let out a sigh of relief, Callie was a life saver.  

"But until then let's just enjoy our walk my Luna" He smiled a toothy grin that caused my heart to flutter roughly against my chest.

"Let me see how you look!" Callie screeched from outside the bathroom.

"I'm hobbled! Give me a break!" Laughing as I zipped the back of the long red dress that Callie had helped me pick out.  It haltered in the front with a very low cut back, Callie and I both knew it was out of my comfort zone.  The high slit up the side showed my leg the had perfect bite mark scar but I did my best to ignore it.  I decided to opt out on wearing shoes.

"I'm sure you beautiful honey!" My mom called.

"Do you have your clothes for later" I could hear her teasing tone which caused me to smirk.

Opening the door  "Yes I do" Waggling my eyebrows at her.

We finished each others hair and makeup , Callie looked like she was straight out of a fair tale.  Her long baby pink dress that reminded me of a Barbie doll princess. Her hair pulled up as tendrils of her hair framed her face.  My mom wore an sophisticated blue dress that fell just past her knees with blue flats to match while she left her hair down. I could feel her nervousness.

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