Chapter 14

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Slowly opening my eyes I couldn't help but stare at Ryker's peaceful expression as he slept, his arms holding me close, never loosening as we slept through the night. His soft snore filling the silent room.

Bringing my hand up slowly to his face, I began tracing his features lightly. Letting my hand run over his lips making them twitch  under my fingers.  I let my hand trial over his chiseled chin, along his cheek bones.  Memorizing every inch of his face.

His arms tightened around my body pulling me in closer, my hand froze  when my eyes met his opened ones.

"Hi" My voice squeaked out. Blushing red as his eyes intently watched me. 

Slowly removing my hand from his face.  His hand was quick catch mine before bring it back to his lips placing a small kiss on my knuckles.

His eyes sleepily looked to the window "Don't know the last time I've slept in this long" His voice was raw with sleep, the roughness of it sending chills down my back.

"We most likely missed breakfast" Unconsciously curling closer to him.

The bond sizzled and coiled around us. Making it harder to fight.  Part of me shivered at the thought of finishing the mating process. The logical part of me, the one I try desperately to cling to, points out that I know nothing about him still.

It was then I realized I completely zoned out. Ryker stared at me curiously.

"Ryker...?" My voice just above a whisper. Huskier than I intended.

His eyes quickly changed to lust, shoving his face in my neck, inhaling my mark.

Taking a big breath doing my best to stay focused.  His expert mouth was now trailing along my collar bone.

"I know nothing about you!"

His lips froze in their spot. Shifting my eyes down, nervous of how he may react.

The heat he supplied now gone as he moved swiftly off the bed.  Standing gloriously in a pair of boxer shorts.  My eyes couldn't help but linger at the prominent bulge, causing my cheeks to ridden and eyes to advert quickly.

The silence now wedged between us like a knife.

"What do you want to know" his voice void of any emotion as he ran his hand through his disheveled hair.

Crawling to my knees to the edge of the bed "Literally anything.  A favorite color, life when you were kid. Shit, I'd settle for a favorite food"

His eyes held mine, a softness to them now. "Fine, but change. Or I won't be able to restrain myself from you for much longer" Growling out the last part. His lustful stare burning into me. 

Glancing down at myself seeing I was in a thin pink tank top and a pair fleece shorts.

Wasting no time, I scurried off to the bathroom finding spare clothes for me that my mother must have placed at some point.  Glancing in the mirror I frowned at my tangled hair. And decided a quick shower first would be best.

My feet padded across the room as I ran a towel through my hair; dressed in a pair of black jeans and an old graphic t-shirt.

Ryker  never left his spot standing in the room, except now wearing black v neck shirt jeans. His clothes seeming to cling to every muscle.  Our eyes connected as I stepped toward him.  My mind raced at the thought of learning more about my mate.

"Your eyes" he whispered out.

Feeling my eyebrows pull together in confusion.

"They're my favorite color.  Calling them dark lavender would be too simple, they're like the color of the perfect sunset meeting into the dark sky"

My eyes grew as he explained. Placing myself on the edge of the bed; his eyes avoiding me as he stood only feet away.

Feeling antsy as he seemed stumped about what else to tell me "What's your favorite food?" Offering softly.

His eyes met mine for a brief second as a small smile played upon his lips.

"Chocolate cake"

Smiling up at his child like answer.

"My mother use to make it for the pack all the time" his now somber tone not going unnoticed.

My interest peaked at the mention of his mother.  He had never spoken about her before.

"She was definition of a great Luna"

He held so much pride for his mother.  I wonder if I could ever be as great of a Luna as her?

"You are exactly what the pack needs" Ryker somewhat blurted out.

Blushing once realizing that Ryker had read my thoughts.

Feeling brave "What was she like?"

He was silent, sadness flashed across his features. "There's not much I remember about her" He sat his body next to mine on the bed as I patiently waited for him to go on.

"She was very kind, to everyone. You could be a piece of shit and she'd still give you her unconditional love and support" his bitter words as he finished struck me.

"She sounds wonderful"

Turning his eyes to mine, eyes holding seriousness "That was part of her problem. She trusted too easily"

Tilting my head, I moved my hand to his back. Doing my best to comfort him.

"That's what makes you better.  You're stronger. You don't trust as easily."

Feeling conflicted about his words, I found myself looking down at my lap. My thoughts beginning to consume me.

"Nova, the fact that we're mates but you still feel the need to get answers and get to know me.... I love that about you"

Looking up at his words, my mind couldn't help but wrap around his last words. Pulling my knees up, I wrapped my arms around them; as if I was trying to hold myself together.

A silence fell between us, neither of us pressing on.

"What happened to her?" Mumbling against my arms. I knew I couldn't tip-toe around that question any longer.

His now cold eyes met mine "She was murdered"

My stomach dropped.  My jaw fell slack as I stared in shock. "I don't know what to say. I-I'm so sorry"

"It was a very long time ago" his calm chilling voice made my stomach drop further.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Our heads turned to the bedroom door in sync.

"You two love birds cant stay in that room all day" My mother called from behind the door.

Jumping out of the bed quickly, opening the door to see my mother holding a tray piled with food.

"You two must be hungry since you SLEPT through breakfast." Winking an eye at the two of us.

Coughing in shock "Mom!"

Smiling between the two of us as Ryker now stood behind us taking the tray full of food from my mother.  She shrugged unfazed by my embarrassment.

"You two eat up.  Your father will be expecting the two of you in his office once you two have filled your stomachs"

"Thank you, we'll be down soon. The food looks delicious" It was Ryker who spoke up. He smiled warmly at her causing her smile slight tinge of pink staining her cheeks.

"Well I'll leave you two to eat" Walking off as we sat back down on the bed.

We were quick to begin devouring burgers my mother had made.  The conversation we had behind us as we simply enjoyed each other's company, somewhat avoiding the more pressing issue that was now in the near future, my father.

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