Chapter 16

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As Ryker and I walked back to the pack house. Ryker stayed quiet, not saying a word.  Staying a few feet behind me the whole time.  But that may very well be because I was walking in just his t-shirt. He refused to let me shift without any clothes.  But my wolf and I were not having it.

We wanted nothing to do with anyone. We just wanted to be left alone.

Once getting to my room we layed silently next to each other in bed.  Our slow breathing filling my small bedroom.  Neither of us knowing what to do or say after what my mother had said to us earlier.  Even our wolves seemed to be distant.  My wolf never said a word since learning everything, I could hardly feel her.

"How long were you going to keep this from me?"

In the corner of my eye I saw Ryker's head snap in my direction.  But I refused to meet his gaze. His body stiffened next to mine.

I felt lied to, cheated. Betrayed. My wolf whined out in sorrow. My bones shook within hearing her painful cry.

"I've wanted to tell you. But-" he paused.

Closing my eyes and taking a slow calculated breath "But what?"  

"How could I bare to tell you that your father killed my mother,and what my piece of shit father did to your mom..."   "I didn't want you to find out like this."  

Sitting up slowly, bringing my knees to my chest. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep me from falling to pieces.  How many people know? How many people have kept this from me?

Ryker moved beside me, his hand resting on the small of back; causing me to flinch away instinctively.  Hurt crossed his features before quickly masking his emotions.

"Nova, I never meant to keep this from you..."

"Well you did.  You've had more than enough opportunities to tell me!" Snapping back quickly.  I felt my control beginning to thin. I needed to get away from him.

Standing up slowly, pulling one of the blankets with me. 

Ryker was quick to follow me. "Wait, where are you going?" His eyes pleading as he gently held on to my shoulders.

Keeping my head down "I can't stay in here. I need to go.  I'm tired of people keeping secrets from me, and right now; I need to be alone" 

"It's nearly midnight, I'll go with you. I won't say a word and I'll keep my distance."  It was the first time I had ever heard an alpha beg. My heart clenched hearing his pain leak through his words.

Taking a deep breath "No." 

 Without another minute to spare I dashed to the door, shutting it quickly behind me.  A loud thud followed from inside my room, probably Ryker's fist making a hole in my wall. Holding my blanket to me tighter, I shuffled my way downstairs to the living room.

Turning the television on, keeping the volume low to ensure not to wake anyone.  I curled myself on the couch, letting my mind go blank as I watched some pointless hallmark movie.  My eyes fluttered shut quickly, relieved to finally relax.

"Wake up. I heard something. Now." My wolf barked in my head.

My eyes snapped open and body sat up quickly. My eyes scanned the area and landed on a large silhouette hiding in the shadows. Inhaling deeply, my body and mind relaxed instantly recognizing the intoxicating aroma.

Snuggling myself back into the couch "What?" Sleepiness clear in my voice.

He was silent, maybe shocked I had heard him. 

"I can't sleep without you" His gentle voice was beckoning me.  Nearly making me run into his arms.

I stayed quiet , pushing my face closer inside of the couch.  

My nerves suddenly sparked as goosebumps arose on me. He closer to me now, I could feel his energy right behind me.

Exhaling a shaky breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. 

"Nova" His lips speaking low into my ear, his body hovering over mine.

"Please forgive me" He rasped. Placing a small kiss at the the mark he gave me. Causing me to bite my lip.

I could sense his nervousness as I argued within myself.

Sighing heavily, I turned slowly to face him. I couldn't help but take notice he was only in a pair of sweatpants the hung low on his hips making my mouth water at the sight.  His hair  was disheveled  regret and sincerity coming off of him in waves.  His eyes held mine, holding me captive in his gaze.

"I just wish I had known sooner... " My words coming out just above a whisper.

I watched as my strong alpha got down to his knees, his eyes now leveled with mine. Placing his forehead against mine.  "I will never hold secrets from you again"

Without warning he lifted my body up with ease before laying down on the couch and placing me on top of him.  His arms had me in a vice grip as he shoved his nose in my neck, inhaling deeply.

Goosebumps rose upon me, causing me to shiver slightly. The position of our bodies doing nothing to help control thoughts that sparked within my mind.  Ryker shifted beneath me, our eyes connecting for a moment, but long enough to catch the lust swirling in his gaze.

My cheeks blazed red as I did my best to ignore the prominent bulge that pressed against my thigh, my pajamas and his shorts the only thing keeping us apart.  Afraid of loosing all restraint I had left, I did my best to move and get off of him.  Ryker though was quick to hold me in place.  His hands now holding my sides.

Feeling my control beginning to dissolve, my fingers traced mindlessly on his bare chest. Taking notice of how his eyes would flutter shut from my touch.  Sliding slowly against him, earning a low barely audible groan, I brought my lips to his neck.  Smiling as I felt his hands grip tighter.

Bringing my face to his, waiting for him to relax and open his eyes.  Hunger sparkled within them.

He groaned loudly causing a smirk to grow on my face.

"You make it incredibly hard to control myself you know.  An alpha only had so much strength" He growled out softly.

My heart thumped roughly against my chest as I smiled down at his handsome face.  "I'm sorry" Nuzzling into the crook of his neck.   

His arms tightened around my torso, the heat radiating of him surrounding me like a cocoon.  "That's alright, you won't be able to hold out forever. And when you're ready, I'll be here"  His words were light, but sincere.  "But for now, just sleep my little mate"

Those words didn't need to be said twice, snuggling in closer I felt my mind begin to drift off.  His slow even breaths and steady heartbeat lulling me to sleep.

*****I know I know I'm sorry for taking so long to update! I've been busy with work and a bit of writer's block, so please forgive this short chapter, it's just a filler.  It'll get more exciting soon I promise!! :) :)

Remember to vote and comment suggestions!!!*****

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