Chapter 12

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Ryker and I walked into the kitchen, most of the pack members sitting at the long dinning room adjacent from the kitchen enjoying their breakfast.  The pack members bowed their heads in respect as they saw us, Ryker squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Go sit and I'll get us some food"  He spoke softly before guiding me to the dinning room.

Stepping into the room, I felt like a germ under a microscope. Thankfully Cole waved smiling at me. Walking toward him I noticed to empty seats at the very end where I assume Ryker and I would sit.  

Just as I reached my chair, Knox who sitting next to it quickly rose out of his seat to pull the chair out for me.

"It's lovely to see you Luna"  He gestured for me to sit, blushing deeply as I sat down.

"It's good to see you too"

Knox pushed my chair in before sitting back down.  Cole who was sitting across from Knox smiled devilishly at me.


"Oh just wondering how you and Ryker are feeling.  I'm sure this week was interesting for the both of you" Raising an eyebrow at me.  Wow.  Why doesn't he just ask if we 'did it' and not beat around the bush.

Looking down at the table as my cheeks flamed bright red.  Knox glared at Cole's bluntness. Before a loud thud from under the table.

Cole winced in pain "Motherfu-" He couldn't let out his curse before Knox kicked him again. Cole  slammed his fist on the table doing his best to ignore the pain.

"Do not curse around our Luna.  And don't ask her questions that are none of your business" Knox scolded.

A small smile graced my lips as I looked at Knox who bowed his head toward me before he continued eating the food on his plate.

Ryker returned with two plates of food, I felt my eyes grow as I stared at the food in front of me.  How much does he think I can eat?! There was scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, and few pieces of fruit.  Jesus, I know I'm  wolf but there was no way I could finish all this food.

As Ryker sat next me, he wasted no time to begin scarfing down his food.  I couldn't help but enjoy watching everyone chat, smiling and laughing with each other.  It was kind of fun to watch Cole and Callie bicker with each other, you'd almost think they were brother and sister.

Ryker noticed me not eating yet and nudged my leg with his.  "Eat"

Rolling my eyes I began nibbling at my food.  It was then I noticed Ryker's hand was now casually placed on the top of my leg.  His thumb mindlessly tracing patterns as he continued to eat.

Trying to focus on my food was becoming more and more difficult.

"Alpha, we need to discuss some pack business.  Somethings have came up this past week while you were tending your mate" Knox spoke casually.

This definitely peaked my interest.  "What's going on?"

Knox glanced at me before looking to Ryker.  They seemed to be having their own private conversation through the mind link.  I was slightly jealous of that fact, but I wouldn't be able to mind link the pack until Ryker marked me.

Ryker now looked at me and so was Cole and Knox.

"It's nothing for you to worry about" Ryker said nonchalantly. But I could straight through his bullshit.

Raising an eyebrow at him "It doesn't sound like nothing"

Ryker ignored my comment but seemed to continue mind linking Knox.  Cole and Callie met my eyes as they looked at me apologetically.  

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