Chapter 9

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          Confusion, that's all I felt. I didn't understand what was going on- first it was Media and Chloe fighting over Lance, then he comes in like a hero and takes Media to the nurse, now he's in front of me and saying we have to talk. Talk about what? My mind clouded and turned at every possible thing he would want to talk about, there's nothing much. The only time he would talk to me is when he had me against the lockers to tease me, but that's about it.

          I was pulled out of my thoughts as a sudden pain shot through my right arm. I looked down to see Lance's hand wrapped around my forearm, his knuckles were turning white as he squeezed his hand harder and tighter with every step he took.
       Tears started to form in my eyes as the pain kept increasing as we kept walking. "Lance," I said. I looked up at him to see if he heard me but unfortunately he didn't. "Lance, stop," this time it was louder, but he ignored my call. He kept walking and his hand remained clamped on my forearm; we quickly turned the corner and he led us to the doors that directed out to the parking lot behind the school. "Lance, you're hurting me!"

       I stopped walking and used my free hand to wipe the tears that were sliding down my face. He reluctantly let go of my right arm and stared at me,  the intensity of his stare made me feel uncomfortable and quickly made me stop crying. I quickly settled my gaze on the forming red indentation where his arm previously was, I tenderly touched the area and winced to myself. 

       Great, a bruise, the bros will go berserk over this. Just what I needed. I kept poking at the bruise to see where the pain would stop, it started from my wrist to the middle of my forearm, the angry red indentation slowly started turning blue.

          Hearing him sigh made me look up from my thoughts, my eyes met his- an angry look masked his face and a fire blazed in his eyes. We just stared at each other, or more like him glaring down at me and I was looking at everywhere but him so I can avoid the scary look he had in his eyes. I started to fidget and play with the skin surrounding my left thumb, I looked down and started to pick at it- it's a certain habit whenever I feel anxious. I kept picking at the skin until it eventually started to peel and bleed. 

          "What are you doing?" I ignored the question and continued to do what I was doing. "Stop," he took my hand and rubbed over the peeling skin. His sudden sign of care made me angry. He has a girlfriend but he keeps messing with me. Why?!

          The thoughts kept racing through my head, anger coursed through me, not that he was messing with my emotions, but that he's dating my best friend. As I was thinking to myself, I didn't notice that he was tending to my minor wound. 

          "There you go." I was thrown out of my wandering mind and looked at the bandaid that was covering my left thumb. When did that get there? Lance tugged at my arm again and indicated me to follow him, again. 

          "I'm not going with you," I stared at him and waited for his response. He glared down at me but let go of my arm. "Whatever you have to say, please say it now." Again, his glare became more intense, I could see the gears in his head turning as he thought of what to say.

          I waited for what he had to say, but I quickly became irritated as more time passed as my answer became more and more delayed. My anger and impatience got the best of me, I huffed at his direction and quickly turned around  and walked away from the boy.

          "Hera, I like you." I froze where I was, a cold shiver ran down my spine. Is this a fucking joke? First, Media, now me? What the actual fuck!? 

         I swiftly turned around and marched my way towards him. I didn't stop walking until we were toe to toe and I was looking up to match his gaze. "Listen here Lance," I jabbed my pointer finger into his abdomen. "Don't fucking mess with my feelings, I know you don't like me 'cause you're dating my best friend, who at the moment I'm very pissed off at cause she kept your relationship hidden from me. So kindly fuck off." I jabbed my finger into his abdomen after every word I said. That's gonna leave a bruise

          His face turned into a sour glare and he grabbed my shoulders, "Don't you ever do that again. You understand me ?" He shook my shoulders as he waited for my response. I looked into his eyes, a fire burned behind them, the intensity made me feel vulnerable but I knew better than to back down.

          "Don't tell what to do, you're not my father." I grabbed his hands and took them off my shoulders, I made sure to dig my nails into his skin to hurt him a bit, he winced but maintained his icy glare. "Seriously Lance, leave me alone, don't mess with me anymore. Don't mess with my emotions, cause the last thing I need is to like you and the only time that will happen if the world explodes. So for the last time, please leave me alone," I sighed and stared at him.

          He ran his hand through his hair and slumped down a little, he soon dragged his hand down his face and rubbed his temples. "Go away, cupcake. I don't want to see you anymore." His eyes closed as he kept rubbing his temples, his breathing became heavy and uneven like he was trying to keep his anger at bay. 

          Even though he was letting me go, I stood there, he's not gonna fight? Is this all of it? I remained where I was, "L-" his eyes opened and he cut me off before I could say his name. "I said go!" He pointed away from him and his eyes commanded me to go.

          I followed his order and turned to leave, once I was halfway down the hall he called out after me. "Stop denying that fact that you like me, Hera,everyone knows you do. That's why Chloe is such a bitch to you." I ignored his call and kept walking until I turned the corner, there, I leaned against the wall and thought about what he said. 

          Stop, you know he's lying. Chloe is a bitch to you and she's a bitch to everyone else, not just you. You don't like him, he's just trying to get into your head, you don't like him. Right?


Hello to all!

I'm very sorry that it's been a slow update, I just did;t know how to continue the story, but I'm trying. Also, I apologize for the lack of imagination of this chapter, I was caught up with all the comments and I felt bad and rushed that many people were wanting an update. I didn't know that this story would be this popular. Again, I'm sorry to those I kept waiting, hopefully I can keep the story going. Also, again, I'm sorry for this chapter (as I already stated). Please tell me what you think of it, I really need suggestions, criticism and ideas about the story.

Don't forget to share, comment, and vote. 

I love you all! :]

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