Chapter 7

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My head was hurting from all the thinking I've done today. Confusion clouded my mind over what Lance said. What did he mean "We can't see each other anymore?" We we're never seeing each other!

I snapped out of my thoughts just as Media and my brothers slammed their food trays down on the table, I angrily looked at them but they just shrugged and ignored my menacing look. Aiden and Carson sat down and hurriedly searched around the cafeteria for their friends, Media just sat there furiously typing away on her phone.

She's never on her phone. I curiously looked over at her; she must've seen me looking because she locked her phone and set it in her pocket. She sheepishly smiled at me and patted her cell, I opened my mouth to say something but the herd of football players and track people cut through my thoughts as they noisily sat down at our table. Both Media and I gave my brothers a glare before we decided to eat.

"So who were you texting M?" I looked over at the pink headed girl, her cheeks turned a few shades darker than her dyed hair. She ignored my question and coughed, I huffed at her and returned to eating my pizza. If she doesn't want to talk, then fine.

The constant typing on her phone started to annoy me, I kept myself calm by stuffing the cheese pizza into my mouth- the cheese melted in my mouth causing me to groan in delight. All of the boy's' eyes turned to me, amusement showed through them. "Liking your pizza Hera?" Damon, one of the hurdlers on the track team, joked. I furiously nodded my head and continued to eat my pizza; I ignored the lingering stares from the other boys. I tuned out the chatter from the rest of the table and concentrated on eating my pizza, even though it's school food, they still make good pizza.

"I have a boyfriend." I choked on my pizza and looked up at Media. One of the boys pounded my back and another handed me a bottle of water, I chugged the water down and sighed in relief. I thanked the boys and looked at my best friend.

Since when did she have a boyfriend? I studied M, there a real smile on her face as she texted the mystery person on her phone. She seemed to forget that she told me until she met my glare. She whimpered and cowered from my stare, I held my hand out and waited for to hand over her phone. She reluctantly gave it to me, she almost hesitated when the back of the phone touched my palm, but I snatched it out of her hand and read the name of the messenger. "Your boyfriend is Lance?!"

I tightened my grip on the phone as I looked at her, she seemed to sink deeper into the chair she was sitting on. I looked back down to her phone and read the messages, one of them stood out in particular. Hey babe, last night was great. Can't wait to get more of you ;] –Lance . I gagged at the winky face and threw Media her phone back.

"When did you start dating?" I asked her. My mind was on full range bitch mode, I impatiently waited for her to answer the stupid question. "How long Media?!" I yelled at her. "Almost three months," she whispered.

I wanted to feel bad for yelling at her, but I ignored that feeling and focused on being mad at her. She's the one who betrayed my trust and went behind my back and dated the one boy I truly loathe in this school. The boy who teases me and makes me feel worse about myself. The one who brings myself esteem down more than everyone else in the school. I glared at her one more time, turned on my heel, and walked away from her. Everyone's eyes were on me as I continued my trek towards the cafeteria door.

"Hera!"I kept on walking, I didn't want to talk to Media now or ever.


Hey guys!

Do y'all think that Media was right about keeping the relationship a secret, especially because she pretended to hate Lance, what do y'all think?

I;m so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I'm so sorry D:

I know this chapter is short, I'm still kind of on writer's block; but it's slowly going away. I've been so busy with school work and only the laptop has Microsoft word, so I barely get time to use it because my dad uses it for work. Again, I'm really sorry for not updating.

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