Chapter 4

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         "What happened to your face?" He asked, he rushed to me and stopped when Media gave him a glare. He edged closer and stopped a few feet away from me, he raised his hand and stroked the scratches on my face. His touch sent shivers down my spine but I ignored them and forced myself not to shiver.

           Media grabbed my arm and made her way around Lance, she gave him another glare as we walked away from him. I told myself not turn around and go with Media, but of course I disobeyed myself and turned to look at Lance. 

          He was looking at me; his hands were stuffed in his pockets, his hair was disarrayed and he had brooding look that scared me. I turned back around right when Media turned the corner and stopped us. "You need to stay away from him babe, he's not good for you." Media said. I gave her a confused look and she sighed and shook her head. She continued our trek to nurse without a word, what she said kept me thinking why she said that. 

          I know that Lance isn't a good person, but why wouldn't he be good for me. Not that I want him to be good for me. I mentally groaned and ignored the nagging thought.

           We stopped in front of the nurse's office and Media opened the door for me, "As much as I want to stay with you, I have to get to class. I'll see you after class, okay?" I nodded my head at her and she walked away, I stared after her retreating body and sighed again. What's up with me sighing today? I shook my head and walked in and braced myself for the probing that was about to come.

           It felt like an eternity inside the nurse's office; my face burned from the amount of alcohol she cleaned my face with, the bandages she placed on my face started to itch. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost time for last period, my shoulders relaxed when the bell rung. 

          "Hera, wait here for a few minutes. I have to get a pass for you." The nurse shuffled out of her office leaving me sitting on the uncomfortable plastic "bed". The bell rang again signaling everybody that last period started, my perfect reputation of not being late to class was now flawed, I hung my head down and looked at my feet.

           To my surprise a new pair of feet stopped where I was looking at, a hand a gripped my chin and forced me to look up, a concerned look met my eyes. Lance stared down at me, worry filled every inch of his face, I felt giddy just having him stare at me like that. "Who did this to you Hera?" Even his voice was full of worry.

           I stared back into his eyes and contemplated whether to tell him or not, I took the option of not telling him and shrugged my shoulders at him. He groaned in frustration and let go of my chin, he backed away from and sat on the plastic chair that was in front of me. He set his head on his hands and stared at the floor, that pose he was in made him look innocent, which made me feel guilty for not telling him. 

          "It was Chloe," I murmured. His body stiffened when I said her name, he slowly looked up and glared at me. Hate filled his eyes as he looked at me, he stood up from the chair and stalked out of the room. "Where are you going?" He stopped walking for a few seconds but then continued to walk himself out. I looked at my feet again and the nurse came in with my pass. She gave it to me and I walked to last period.

           When I walked into history; everyone in the class stopped what they were doing and looked at me, the warmth on my cheeks made me more embarrassed. The teacher motioned for me to go take a seat and I did. 

          I made myself take slow steps so it looked like I wasn't deteriorating under their stares, I sat down at my desk and forced myself to look at the board, but some students kept looking at me and made me distracted. I looked at the clock and mentally groaned when it read we still had forty-five minutes to go, I made myself busy by copying the notes about the American civil war, I winced as I wrote the word "enemies".

           The bell finally rang, I sat in relief and packed all my things and walked out to the parking lot. Bystanders looked at my bandaged face, some even took pictures. I quickened my pace and ran out to where the car was parked outside. I made it to the car and remembered that the boys had practice today, I face palmed myself and made my way towards the practice fields. The books in my bag seemed heavier with each step.

           The sounds of commands filled the air, I took a seat in the bleachers where I could see both the track and football field in view. I looked over the track and saw Aiden doing hurdles, his feet seemed like it never touched the ground giving an illusion that he was flying. The other runners were further behind him. I looked where the football team was practicing one of their many plays. 

          Carson's yelling was heard over everything else, I laughed at his baritone voice and watched him throw the ball to the receiver who scored an instant touchdown. Even though it was just practice I jumped up and screamed, the whole team looked up at me and I sat down. I stayed quiet for the rest of practice by doing my homework.


Here's a new chapter for story! Hopefully y'all are enjoying it so far. I apologize for the lack of the updates, to be honest, I've been quite lazy about it. Anyways, please enjoy the story and tell me what you think about it!

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