Chapter 2

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           When we pulled up in the parking lot all the girls surrounded the car. You could see all of them pull down their shirts and pull up their skirts that could be passed as underwear. They banged on the windows and screamed for the boys; I screamed as one girl opened my door and tried to pull me out. "Aiden help me!"

          The girl had a fist of my hair in both hands as she tried to pull me out; her friends decided to help her by pulling on my backpack and clothes. I was halfway out of the car until Aiden pulled me back in; he locked the door after me and held me close to him. My scalp was stinging and it felt like my skin was on fire from the scratches of the crazed girls.

          "Are you alright Hera?" Carson asked. He twisted around in the chair so he could see me clearly, anger scrunched his eyebrows together; the fire in his eyes were ablaze. I nodded my head; I couldn't speak because my throat was sore from all the screaming I had done.

          Aiden released me and looked into my face and surveyed the damage. I flinched when he touched my scalp; he whispered a sorry and kissed my forehead. 

          "They get worse and worse every day Carl." Aiden groaned to Carson. The boy in the front nodded his head; a scowl was still settled on his face. He turned his attention to the girls outside and glared at them.

          "How the hell are we going to get out now?" I asked. Aiden shrugged and Carson kept glaring at the girls. "I can call the team and they could distract these banshees for a few minutes," Carson said as he pulled his phone out from his pocket. 

          "Tell them to hurry the hell up; I'm getting tired from all this screaming," Aiden barked.

          Both of us at the back sat in silence as we listened to Carl talk. He kept his gaze outside where the girls were slowly diminishing. "The team is here, we need to leave now!" Carson commanded. All three of us grabbed our bags and quickly ran out the car. 

          I quickly looked over at where the football team was, most of the boys were shirtless and basking in the attention they were getting from the girls. The linebacker, Curt, caught hold of my gaze and winked at me. I felt myself blush and returned my attention to where I was going.

          We made it to the door right when the warning bell sounded. "Well that was a terrible way to start this day." Carson groaned. I patted his shoulder and made my way towards my locker. I kept my head down, I didn't want to attract any attention to myself. But of course, I failed.

          "Hera!" I quickened my pace and ignored the call. My name was yelled out again and some eyes turned my way, I groaned under my breath and walked faster. I heard heavy footsteps behind me and forced myself not to turn around, just from the heaviness of their walk I could already tell who it was.

          "Hera!" He sounded irritated, probably from the lack of attention I was giving him. His footsteps sounded closer; my chest felt tight from the short staccato breathing I was doing. His hand grabbed my arm and I was suddenly thrown onto the cold lockers. Pain shot throughout my back and I whimpered. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up.

           "Why are you ignoring me?!" Lance asked. His eyes looked dark and menacing. I tried to get away from his grip but he tightened it even more. His heavy breathing fanned my face; the smell of mint tickled my nose. His jaw was clenched, it looked like his teeth would shatter from the amount of pressure it was under. His lips was set in a straight line and looked redder than usual. His six foot three height just towered over my five foot four body.

          He noticed my discomfort and slightly released the grip he had on my chin. "Can you please tell me why?" His voice seemed calmer but his still held the fire he was containing within himself. His stared into my eyes, his gaze made me it seem like he was searching inside me- throughout my soul. I sighed and gave in. "I just had a bad day to begin with. I don't need anything else making it worse."

          He stared at me and slowly released his grip from my chin. I sighed again when backed away from me and stalked off. I looked at his retreating body until he made a turn at the end of the hallway. The bell rang again signaling that class had just started.

           I groaned and ran towards my locker, which was just down the hall. I put in my combination and grabbed the needed books of the day and slammed the door close. I turned around and ran towards the English wing, kids in the classrooms watched me as I passed by. Some laughed and said, "The nerd is late for once." I cursed them under my breath and kept on running towards my room.

          Wow, I seriously need to get in shape. I thought to myself as my legs carried me to my classroom, my breath came out in short staccato bursts- I was wheezing by the time I made it to to the front of the door. I stayed outside for a few minutes as I calmed my breathing down, once it was under control I cautiously opened the door and walked in. 

          The teacher's back was to the class; I took the advantage and swiftly made my way towards my desk. I was halfway to my destination when one of the football players decided to stick their leg out on the last second. To my surprise I avoided the obstacle and sat down at my desk. The player turned with a shell shocked place. 

          "How the hell did you do that?" I shrugged my shoulders and turned to the page that we were on. I looked around and noticed that the teacher was looking at me, a look of disappointment covered his face but he turned around and finished what he was doing. I swallowed the lump in my throat and read the page that we were directed to.


Hello, here's a new chapter! I hope y'all are enjoying this story as much as I like writing it. Please let me know what you think of it, thanks!

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