Chapter 13

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           Marcus somehow drove me home, granted his swollen eye was starting to open, but then again his vision was messed up because of it. 

          During the way home, I ignored him, his attempts of conversation with me were answered with either a grunt or sigh. If I turned around to face him, I'm sure I'd do further damage to his face. He got the message halfway through the ride, he silenced himself and gingerly placed his hand on my left thigh.

           It just laid there, but somehow the warmth of the appendage relaxed me. I turned away from the window and looked at him, my hand found his and intertwined both together. He smiled and I found myself returning the gesture.

          He parked by the curb and turned off the car, his hand briefly left mine as he turned the key. We sat in a comfortable silence, finally he turned to face me. 

          "Hera, I truly like you." My face burned and I looked down at our hands, I slowly started to trace circles on his knuckles with my thumb. "Hera, one date please," he gripped my chin and forced me to look at him. "Just one date."

          I nodded my head and smiled, a look of shock covered his face, but quickly regained his composure. "You won't regret it, I promise." He slowly leaned towards me, he looked at my lips, his stare lingered a second too long.

           "I hope I won't," I bit my lip. He suppressed a groan and brought me closer. "Goodnight, Hera." His lips were placed on mine for just a few seconds. I backed away and smiled at him, "Goodnight, Marcus." I opened the door and climbed out. Before I could close the door, he yelled out after me, "Cover the hickey with your hair!"

          My hands quickly placed my long hair over the marked area as I watched him drive away. Once I felt secure, I made my way towards the house. Silence greeted me as I opened the door, darkness flooded my vision. 

          "Hello?" I placed my hand on the wall and flicked the lights on. I locked the door and turned the house alarm on. The shuffling of my feet resonated throughout the house, I walked towards the kitchen and turned the lights on. 

          Where's everyone? I continued to venture into the house and turn the lights on. Fed up, I took my phone out and decided to call someone. Wait, Friday? It's Friday? No wonder no one is home. I breathed a sigh of relief once I acknowledged that there was a game tonight.

          I kicked my shoes off and ran upstairs and into my bathroom. I hurriedly took off my clothes and jumped into the shower. The sudden blast of cold water made me jump back, but after a few seconds of waiting and turning the knob, the temperature was where I wanted it to be. I washed my hair and body and then climbed out. My phone beeped, I wrapped the towel around me and looked at the message.

Our date is tomorrow night @8, dress cute. - Marcus

         My cheeks grew hot once more as I reread the text. Wow, my first date! Excitement coursed through me, but it quickly dissipated with the thought of my brothers. They're never gonna let you out! I shook my head and ignored the thought. 

          "Whatever, they can freak out about to someone else." I wiped the fog off the mirror and stared at my reflection. The hickey stared back in delight. The red mark was slowly forming a purple undertone, the discoloration greatly contrasted against my skin. 

          I quickly brushed my teeth and made my towards my bedroom. I put on a pair of underwear and an oversized shirt and climbed into bed. Tomorrow should be fun.

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