Chapter 18

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Lance's POV

          There she stood, her raw beauty always knocked the air out of my lungs. I forced myself to keep walking and ignored her. As we passed, I couldn't control myself and let myself look at her. Just my luck, she too looked up. Our eyes met for a quick second, but her cheeks were already burning red, I smirked and continued my way away from her.

          "Lance, baby!" Media's irritating voice filled my ears. I kept myself from rolling my eyes as I turned around and set a fake smile just as Media launched herself onto me. Her perfume almost made me gag, but she pulled away and fresh air quickly filled my lungs. "Did you miss me, babe?" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the cafeteria. "Of course," I faked to her. She tried to give me a seductive smirk but she ended up looking like she was keeping herself from drooling all over the place.

          She managed to sit us down, my hand was still in her grip. "So, I saw you looking at that bitch earlier," her voice full of sarcasm. "I wasn't looking at Chloe," I faked innocence. She tightened her hand around mine and she brought herself closer to my face. "You know who the hell I'm talking about, Hera!" She whispered into my ear. I pulled myself away from her and shook her hand off mine, the blood drained back into it and the color started to come back. I looked up and met her glare, pure hatred filled the void in her eyes, red was covering her face.

          "Why do you hate her so much?" She blinked in surprise and shook her head, "What?" She tried to grab my hand again, but I scooted farther away from her, I was now arm's length away from her. "I said, why do you hate her so much?" I stared at her and she stared back, her body seemed to pause as she thought of a reason. After a few seconds, she blinked and stared into my eyes, "It's because she has everything. Including you." She grabbed my face and kissed my lips, I pushed her away and stood up.

          There were some people watching, but others just ignored us. "Don't fucking do that again, you bitch," I hissed at her. She glared at me and I glared back, my hands were forming into fists. "I'm gonna smoke, don't fucking follow me," I turned before she could do anything else.

          "Fucking shit, she always has to ruin my mood," I took my cig out and proceeded to light and take a drag from it. "This wouldn't happen if I was with Hera, but no, everyone always has to be in the way." I took another drag and continued walking further into the courtyard. My feet stopped as I took in the scene in front of me, Marcus and Hera huddled close together on a bench. Her cheeks were red and a evil smirk was on Marcus' lips. I stood where I was and continued smoking, however, I was listening to their conversation. With each continuing sentence, I continued to get more frustrated. My cig ended and I threw it on the ground and stomped on it. "Ok, one date." My head snapped up when I heard her say it. No, it can't be.

          I stalked out of my hiding place, "Like hell she will." Marcus turned, I met eyes with Hera but quickly turned my attention back to the blond boy. "She can do anything she wants, she's not your property," Marcus smirked at me. I turned my attention back to Hera and blocked out everything the blonde douche was telling me. Her soft brown eyes took in my stature and the look of worry masked her pretty face. Marcus managed to get my attention again by pushing me away, he walked away, but I couldn't be disrespected like that. I ran after him and landed a punch on him; blow after blow, I didn't stop till Hera pulled me off him, she pleaded for me to get off and to stop. "You're mine, Hera. No one else's but mine!" I glared into her eyes before I shoved her away and walked away from the site. 


          The party was slowly becoming a bust, the moment I walked in, I knew it would be a bust. Girls were drunk out of their minds, some were half naked, others were making out with their significant other, the rest were dancing to the beat of the bass. The guys were pretty much doing the same thing, no surprise there. I headed to the kitchen to get a drink, out of the corner of my eye, I could see the blonde douche and Hera drinking together. Marcus had a smirk on his lips and a look in his eyes, one that made me uncomfortable. I stood in the kitchen and hid myself from their view and watched to see if anything would happen.

          Marcus gave Hera drink after drink, after the fifth or sixth one, Hera was losing it. She was stumbling around and fell in her place twice in one minute. I glared over the rim of my cup as Marcus whispered something into her ear, my grip on my cup tightened as the two of them walked away to who knows where. I finished my drink and slowly went after them, by slowly, I mean people were making it hard for me to leave. It seemed like every other girl decided that they were going to throw themselves at me, they latched onto me and managed to get me halfway to the dancefloor. I managed to let myself go and ran to the base of the stairs. In their drunken state, none of them noticed what happened and proceeded to topple on top of each other.

          I shook my head and headed up the stairs, my heart pounded to the thought of what I could find. Room by room, I entered, each were occupied by couples. Some of them were embarrassed to be caught, the others were mad that their special time was being disrupted. My feet led me to the last door in the hallway, my hand froze over the knob as muffled screams exited through the bottom of the door. I slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open. Pitch black overwhelmed my sight, but in a few seconds, I was taking in the scene in front of me- Marcus beating Hera and she struggled to get him off her.

          "What the fuck?!" Red filled my vision and I rampaged into the room. I could feel my fists hitting a body, a grunt followed impact. I could feel myself continuously hitting the body, whoever it was, their body slumped onto the ground and were no longer putting up a fight. After a few minutes, my sight returned to normal. I looked down and stared at the body of Marcus, his face was bloody and it seemed like his nose was once again broken. I kept my attention of his abdomen, the rise and fall confirmed that he was still breathing and alive.

          I turned and quickly went to Hera's side, she was passed out. Bruises were starting to form on her face, her shirt was lifted, bruises were also starting to form along her ribcage and stomach. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, but I forced myself to keep them back. I gently picked her up and swiftly went downstairs and to my car. Placing her in the front seat was a tad difficult, she groaned every time I sat her down, but after a few seconds I decided to just keep her there and drive to her house.

          After a few minutes, we were at her front door, she was in my arms. The door flew open, four people stared at me, the two were teenage boys and had a murderous look on their face. "What the hell happened?" Aiden seethed. "Marcus is what happened, I found him beating her at a party." Their eyes widened in surprise as they took in the news, I took the time to hand Hera to her father. He nodded at me and the mom gave a tearful smile. "Look, I wouldn't hurt her, I just found her," I stared at the two brothers. They nodded their heads and went inside and closed the doors. I jogged back to my car and stared at the spot where she slumped in, anger filled my body. I quickly turned the car on and drove home.


          Hello! I bet you thought I would never update again, didn't you? Well, I did, and here's the newest chapter. I know it's not the best, but I'm finally getting over writer's block. To be honest, at first I had writers block, but then I started getting lazy about writing. However, I saw that many of you were still reading and expressing that you still love the story, that persuaded me to keep writing. It's for you all, not me.

           Anyways, thank you for sticking around this long and for reading this story, it means so much to me! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and holiday season. In the comment section, tell me what you got for presents, or what you gave as presents.

          Always please remember to comment, like, and share

                 Much love,


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