Chapter 6

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          Today is the day. I looked across the hall where Chloe had her posse around her. The splint on her nose was clearly visible, what happened on the field yesterday came rushing back to me making me wince. I turned my head to tell Media I couldn't do it, but she already opened her mouth to scold me. "If you don't do this, I swear to the lord I won't talk to you for a month," She glared at me. I gulped out loud under her stare and turned my head to look back at Chloe. I flattened out my skirt and revised the apology in my head. 

          I cautiously made my way towards her, the girls around her stopped talking and glared at me. I ignored them and stopped in front of the blonde girl. She stopped talking to the girl next to her and looked at me, the sneer on her face made me want to punch her again. I mentally sighed and prepared the stupid apology I had to give to her.

         "I'm sorry about yesterday Chloe." She gave me a surprised look but quickly covered it with a glare telling me to continue. "I'm sorry about punching you in the nose and breaking it. It wasn't adult like of me to do that to you." I finished.

           She looked at me with disgust and pushed me out of her way. "Come on girls, I need stay away from trash before I start to stink up from being close to it." She walked away but not before bumping her shoulder with mine. I turned around and glared after her, a girl from the group turned around and flipped me off.  The burning need for me to hit that bitch was over the roof, but I calmed myself down before I did something stupid again. I didn't need another repeat of yesterday.

           I huffed, "Media le-." I stopped talking when I noticed that she was already gone from her spot. So much for moral support. I mentally cussed her out in my head before making my way towards my first class. The glares and pointing from the other teenagers made me keep my head down but walk faster towards my class. I was halfway down the hallway when a familiar voice stopped me. "Hera!" That strong masculine voice just made me weak to the knees. I forced myself to keep on going, but the hand that gripped my arm stopped me again.

        "You're not getting away from me again." I looked up and saw Lance staring down at me, his beautiful brown eyes pierced into mine. I felt like he was looking into my soul, judging everything I've ever done in my life. But why would he judge? He's probably done worse things than me. "Did you hear me Hera?" Lance's grip on my arm tightened to the point to where it hurt. I winced at him and shook my head. He sighed, the grip he had on my arm slowly came undone until he just grasping onto my shirt. "I said we can't see each other anymore." What is he on? We were never together.  

          He looked at me with sympathy and walked away, confusion filled my head but for some reason my heart was aching.


Sorry for this update, I couldn't really think of anything, so I kind made it up as I wrote. I know it's a total mess, but I had to think of something fast, I didn't want to keep ya'll waiting any longer.

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