Chapter 10

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     The rest of the day flew by without anymore Lance and distractions. Thank you, baby Jesus. When the last bell of the day rang, I quickly grabbed my backpack and zoomed out of the classroom, out to the hallway, and to the parking lot. 

          People seemed to notice my pace and got out of my way. Wow, this is a surprise. Once I got to the parking lot, I took out my earphones and shoved them into my ears as I made my way towards Aiden's black Mercedes, the sleek exterior majorly contrasted from the rest of the cars around it- it stood out greatly, which is always a benefit for me.

           The boys were standing around as they waited for me- their rumps were placed on the hood as they conversed between each other. As I got closer, I tried to conceal the angry red indentations where Lance's hand constricted my arm. Sadly, luck was not on my side as I chose to wear a short sleeve shirt today and I had nothing else to cover my arm with.

         I finally placed myself in front of the boys and fidgeted on my phone-changing every few songs in order to find a song that could potentially block out their bitching. They didn't seem to notice my presence as they continued to talk to each other, I coughed and they looked up- a grin on both of their faces. 

          "Hey, how was school?" Carson asked me, his smile reached his eyes and they stared into mine. "It was good, same old, same old." I replied as I took the earphones out of my ears- it'd be rude to talk to ignore someone if they're talking to you. I shoved my phone and the earphones into my pocket, the boys watched my every move. 

          When I looked up, scowls had replaced their smiles. I shifted uncomfortably as I tried make my way towards the backseat of the car. "Hera, what the hell is this?" Aiden grabbed my wrist and prevented me from walking any farther. He looked at the red marks and turned my arm to see the rest of the wrongdoing. His face became red at the sight of the marks, he turned to Carson who had the same look on his face.

     "What happened?" I kept my gaze down and ignored their question. "Tell us!" I snapped my head up and stared them in their eyes, "It's nothing." I snatched my arm back and opened the backseat door and slammed it shut. Deciding to ignore them completely, I placed my earphones into my ears and turned the volume up all the way. 

          The car shook as the two slammed their doors shut, I could feel them looking at me but I ignored them and messed with my phone instead. As usual, no new text messages. How would you have any if Media is the only one that talks to you? I sighed and looked out the window the rest of the way home.


       I slammed the door shut and jumped onto my bed, the warmth and comfort made me relax and snuggled deeper into the sheets. The rest of the ride home was awkward as could be, the boys would turn around every few minutes and would stare at me, I'd ignore their looks and keep my gaze either on my phone or the environment that we were driving by. I pulled the blanket up to my chin and let sleep consume me.

        A few mere hours into the darkness, my door slammed opened. "Hera, wake the fuck up!" I snapped up from the bed and stared at the intruder in my room. "What the hell!?" I threw my pillow at the person and turned on the lamp that was on my bedside table. Black dots swam in my vision at the sudden burst of light. 

          "Hera, get up, they're here." I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Carson, his face was serious and his eyes held fire within them. "Are you serious?" I got up from my bed and made my way towards my brother, he grabbed my hand and led me down to the living room. 

          His grip became tighter as we got closer to the dreaded people. We stopped at the entrance of the room and looked at the couple that was sitting on the loveseat that was placed in the center of the room. Their back was towards us, they were seated side by side- their shoulders touched and they breathed the same rhythm. Anger coursed through me as I stared at them. Why are they here? Aiden looked up and made eye contact with me, he then looked at Carson and gestured him to come inside. The boy gripped my hand and pulled me into the room with him.

        The couple looked up once we stopped in front of them, they looked me up and down and stared at my brother that was by my side. The man opened his mouth, but I beat him to it. "What are you doing here?" He snapped his mouth shut with surprise, Aiden grabbed my right hand and tugged me down to sit. 

          Once my bottom met the couch, the woman spoke, "That's no way to speak to your father." I opened my mouth to retort, but the hands that held mine tightened and made me think otherwise. I mentally groaned and stared at my feet. Wow, I really need a pedicure.

      "It's nice to see all of you." I rolled my eyes and ignored my father, there's no need for formalities. "Hera, how have you been?" I mentally groaned and looked up at my father, a forced smile graced my lips. "I've been good, dad." I looked down once more and ignored the tightening grip on my hands.

           An awkward silence settled around the room, the only thing you could hear was breathing and the constant shuffling of the bodies. Even though it was awkward, you still feel the tenseness that gripped all of us, there was an imaginary wall that separated us kids from the parents.

     Ha! Parents my ass. They've barely been here for the past year, screw them. The silence was slice open as Aiden coughed. "Come, let's go eat." He stood up and everyone soon followed, he led us to the dining room where the food was set up. Everyone grabbed their seats- parents on one side, us kids the other. 

          Once more, the room was silent, the clanks of silverware and cups and breathing were the only things heard. "Hera, what happened to you arm?" I internally groaned at my mother's question. I looked up at her, "It's nothing, don't worry about it." I looked back down at my food and continued eating. "Well, it sure doesn't look like it." I sighed and slammed my fork down onto the table, "I told you, it's nothing!" Anger coursed through my veins as I stared at her, surprise swallowed her face, my father stared- his mouth agape.

     "Her, we asked you the same question earlier, we want to know." Carson sighed. I turned my head to look at him, surprise clearly on my face. They're supposed to be supporting me, not be on theirs. I groaned as sat straight in my chair, "I told you, it's nothing!" I groaned once more and shut my mouth. 

          "Well it sure doesn't look like nothing." I sighed again and gripped my fork. Wow, I'm surprised it hasn't broke in half yet. "Fine, you want to know? It's from Lance. There, you happy?" I could hear the boys ragged breathing as they soaked in the information I just told them. Aiden threw his fork onto his plate, the clang of the metal onto the glass resonate throughout the silent room. "He touched you?!" He screeched. 

        "What did he do?" Carson asked. I ignored them, I was furious. Very furious. I stood up from my chair and grabbed my plate, "I'm not hungry anymore." I stepped into the kitchen and placed my plate into the sink. 

          Sadly, the boys decided to follow me and threw more questions at me. I ignored them and washed my plate and set it in the washing machine to dry. I turned around and faced my brothers. "Boys, I'm fine, ok? No harm done, stop worrying." They seemed unconvinced but took my word for it. Thank God.

     I quickly took their silence as a sign of my release and ran up to my room. My phone buzzed right as I stepped through the doorway. I quickly made my way towards my dresser and picked up the phone and read the message.

     I'm sorry, Hera. - Media

     I ignored the message and got ready for bed- meaning having to shower and brush my teeth. Crap, homework. Whatever, that can wait till tomorrow. I settled into bed and let sleep consume me.


Hello, thanks for reading this update. Again, I'm sorry if it's not the best right now and thank you for reading this story. Love ya'll.

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