Chapter 12

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Marcus' groaning and coughing gained my attention, I looked away from Lance's retreating figure and turned towards the blonde boy that was laying on the ground. I kneeled down next to him and continued to look through all the damage he gained.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse?" I grabbed his hand and tried to sit him up. However, he pulled me down and shook his head no. "Are you sure, Marcus? Your nose is bleeding and your eye is swelling shut," I stroked his hair down and stared him in the eyes. His face was calm, "Yes, but please take me home."

His request took me aback and caused me to stare at him. "It's only lunch time, there's another two blocks," panic laced my voice. I can't leave, my grades will go down! He squeezed my hand and stared me in the eye, "Hera, you will be fine. I promise." His voice was calm and soothing, it made me cheeks warm and sent a shiver down my spine. He squeezed my hand again and I completely relaxed.

"Ok, Marcus. I'll take you, but where's your car?" I managed to pull him into a sitting position and waited for his answer. Somehow, even though he was bruised and bloodied up, he gave me his awe worthy smirk. "It's the only Jaguar in the parking lot," he took his keys out from his pocket and handed them to me.

I took the keys and pulled him up at the same time, his arm slung over my shoulders and he slumped against me. His added weight made me stumble but I quickly regain balance. "So where are we going?" I looked up at him, it was kinda hard to do since his shoulder was blocking most of my face. He smiled and started to walk, I quickly followed and he guided us to his car.

My steps faltered as I sighted the magnificent car, the gray exterior was sleek. Once I opened the door, the 'new car smell' hit me. I inhaled deeply and the smell of leather took over my senses. Marcus maneuvered around me and seated himself in the passenger seat and closed the door after himself. I swiftly made my way towards the other side and opened the door, the plush leather comforted me as my bottom connected with the seat.

I placed the keys in the ignition and turned it, the roar of the car surprised me, a small gasp escaped between my lips. Marcus giggled at my delight but it quickly disintegrated from the coughing fit that soon followed; only the sound of his engine and his heavy breathing filled the empty space of the car. My lips quivered as I watched him, he looked so beaten up and weak.

He quickly recovered and turned to smile at me, his white teeth shined from the lights that were bouncing of them. "Come on, I want to go home." His smile became wider. I couldn't do anything but stare at him and smile back. It's absolutely beautiful. I quickly drove out of the parking lot and listened to his directions to get to his house.


The heavy wooden door slammed shut after us. My steps were faltering and were becoming smaller and weaker, but I couldn't stop, my destination was right in front of me. I internally groaned and forced myself to keep walking, my arm tightened around the boy's waist with every step we took. His arm hung loosely around my neck as his other hand pressed against his bruised side. With a final groan, I somewhat threw the blonde onto the couch, a muffled scream followed after. I fell onto the floor and tried to catch my breath.

Holy cow, that boy is fucking heavy. I laid on the carpet and controlled my breathing, my arm rested over my eyes. Seriously, why did he think I could carry both of us into this house? My breathing started to go to it's regular tempo, I inhaled a great amount of air then released. Finally.

I stood up and examined the boy in front of me, his tousled hair gave him a childish look, but the bruises on his face made you know that he wasn't a child anymore. He turned around until he was laying on his back, his eyes met mine, a crooked smile graced his face. "Hey." The corner of my lips tugged upwards but that was it. "I'll be back," I turned around and started looking for the kitchen.

After a couple turns, I finally found the place. The high end appliances covered the walls and an island was right in the middle of the glorious place. Snapping out of awe, I started to rummage for the medicine cabinet. It didn't take long to find all the things I needed. Double checking that I had what I wanted, I started to retrace my steps to find my way towards Marcus.

His eyes were closed and his chest was moving up and down in a steady rhythm. I placed all the things onto the side table and shook his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open, they scrunched together in confusion, but it dissipated when he saw me.

I grabbed the bottle of Advil and shook two into his hands, he swallowed them down and I offered him the glass of water I also grabbed. He thanked me with a sigh and he rested his head back down onto the sofa. I placed the glass back on the table and retrieved the bowl of water and the hand towel that I managed to find in one of the drawers. The sound of dripping water was amplified in the silent room, but it was ignored. I twisted the towel and waited as the excess water dripped off.

Marcus suppressed his groan when the cold cloth made contact with his face, his eyes shot open and stared at me. I ignored his look and continued to clean up the dried blood that came from his nose.

Once satisfied with my work, I placed the cloth back in the water and dried it again. This time, a hiss escaped his lips when I placed the cold cloth on his eye. "Stop squirming, it's gonna help with the swelling." I slapped his hands away and glared at him, he settled down and met my gaze.

"Hera, why are you helping me?" My mind replayed the day where the whole school wanted to jump me. "You know why," I sighed. He giggled to himself and smiled.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the gigantic flat screen tv. I turned it on and started shuffling through the channels. After a few minutes and with Marcus groaning, I settled on a random movie that was playing.

I made myself comfortable at the end of the couch but Marcus pulled me on top of him. "We're cuddling," he grinned at me. I rolled my eyes but didn't protest. My head rested comfortably on his chest, I quietly giggled as I listened to the beat of his heart.

"Can you take this stupid thing off my face? I can't see shit." I laughed out loud and took of the cloth. I placed my head back on his chest, he slung his arm over my waist. We silently watched the movie, the sound of the t.v and our breathing was the only thing filling the void of the room.

"Crap, I'm getting uncomfortable, hold on." He turned us both over to where we were on our sides, our faces were just a breath away.

My cheeks started to feel warm, I could barely meet his gaze. "Hera, you're so fucking beautiful." He tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear then tugged me closer to him. Now, our foreheads were touching, I could feel his breath on my lips.

"So fucking beautiful." He placed his free hand behind my head and kissed me. My eyes instantly shut when his lips met mine, they were firm yet soft. I suppressed a moan when he licked my bottom lip, my mouth opened and his tongue darted between my lips; he battled mine but I didn't fight it. I started panting as he started to trace my jaw with kisses, I moaned as he kissed the base of my neck. He sucked and bit the skin, I moaned again.

He released me and looked at me, his eyelids were drooping and his hair was messed up from the amount of pulling I've done to it. I panted as my body came down from its euphoria, I touched the sensitive skin and my body convulsed. My eyes met his, a smirk was on his lips.

"Nice hickey." I blushed at his remark, my body and my mind was still floating. I closed my eyes and snuggled into him, his breathing slowly lulled me to sleep. Nice hickey. What?

My eyes snapped open and I pushed myself away from him, I fell on the floor and groaned. I quickly ran to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped to myself, the dark purple hue was very prominent against my pale skin.  "Fuck."


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