Chapter 16

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"Hera, we're leaving, do you want to come with us?" Carson leaned against my doorway, his hair was ruffled and messy as it could be. He turned his head to the side as Aiden came and stood by him. It was scary how similar they looked-yes, they're siblings, but neither the boys and I look that similar.

"Are you coming, dude?" Aiden grinned. I slowly shook my head 'no', their smiles faltered a bit but they maintained themselves. "Are you sure, ginger snaps?" He asked again, of course I shook my head no again.

With a sigh, he entered my room, Carson quickly followed. "Ok, if anything happens, let us know ok?" He placed a kiss on the top of my head, Carson also placed one on my forehead. "C'mon, we're already late, mom's gonna kill us," Carson pulled Aiden's sleeve. They quickly said bye again and scurried out of my room.

I listened to their footsteps, their heavy feet thumped against the stairwell and the wooden floors. Their steps fastened as mom called to them, "Boys, hurry up!" From her faint voice, I could tell she was at the front door. A few seconds later, the door slammed shut after them.

Once again, I was alone by myself. Carefully, I sat myself up, the searing pain in my abdomen almost made me fall back onto the bed. Ugh, why can't bruises heal faster? I rested my back against the wall and breathed a sigh of relief. My stomach growled and started to rumble, with the already abdominal pain, it didn't help that hunger pains were adding to it. Am I hungry or just bored? My stomach answered with a growl.

Slowly, I got up and made my way towards the door, my feet dragged on the floor and my arms wrapped around myself. Within a few minutes, I made it to the kitchen. What to make, what to make. I scanned through the cabinets and fridge and grabbed the ingredients that I could use. About thirty minutes later, I finished my spaghetti alfredo. I scooped some into a bowl and started to eat.

A buzzing on my right made me turn, nothing was there. I ignored the sound and continued eating, but once again, the buzzing caught my attention. "Hello?" I placed my food down and cautiously walked towards the sound. "Hello?" I called out again. The buzzing quickly stopped as quick as it started.

My steps were slow and soft as I placed myself at the entrance of the living room. "What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned. The guy looked up, his eyes met mine. His smirk made me knees weak, but I somewhat maintained my composure.

"Well hello to you too, sweetheart." He got up and made his way towards me, and I made my way back towards the wall.  "It's nice to see your face again." His hand connected with my cheek, his rough palm but soft skin confused my senses. He smoothed his hand over my cheek and placed it under my chin, making me look at him.

My cheeks started to warm and blush. "Sugar, why're you blushing?" He grinned down at me. His hand crept up my neck and into my hair and tugged lightly. "Sugar, are you not going to answer me?" He tugged at my hair again and earned a wince.

I gulped, "Why're you here and how the hell did you get in my house?" My voice faltered, the close proximity was throwing me off. He smiled down at me and leaned down to the point where our noses were touching.  "Now are you not going to answer my question?" I tried looking at him, but my eyes were starting to cross.

"One of your windows were open, so I decided to climb in." He quickly pulled away and made his way back to the couch he was laying on. "Also, I'm here cause I'm just checking up on you," he mumbled as he made himself comfortable. I stiffly stood where I was as I processed what he just told me. "Come here, sugar," he opened his arms to me.

"No, get the hell out of my house!" I pointed at the door and glared at him. The boy lowered his arms and let his smile fall with it. "Get out, Lance, I'm serious!" I sneered. I lowered my arms around myself.

"Sugar, I just wanted to talk, I promise." He sat up and looked at me. "Come here," he patted the cushion next to him. With a sigh, I walked towards him and sat down. This is so not a good idea. "Of course it's a good idea, sugar." He patted me knee.

He quieted down and an awkward silence entered the room. My fingers started to wring together and pull at each other. I soon then clenched my fingers, my nails started to dig into my palms. "Why didn't you want me to tell Media about the Marcus thing?" I mumbled. I turned to look at him, his eyebrows were srunched together and his eyes wouldn't meet mine.

"Lance, answer me." I grabbed his shoulder and tried to make him turn to face me. He quickly turned his head and glared at me. "Don't fucking touch me!" He shook my hand off and got up. "What the hell, first you want me to sit next to you, now you won't even talk to me?" My abdomen was on fire as I quickly stood up and marched up towards him.

His face was red with fury, his hands started to clench and unclench. Fear started to surge through me, but I swallowed it down. "Why don't you want her to know?" I sighed. His eyes were narrowed into slits and I looked it away. Silence answered my question. Of course. I sighed again and turned away from him and gingerly walked towards the kitchen. My food is getting cold.

"Media doesn't want me to have any relation with you, whatsoever." His voice sounded annoyed. I shook my head and continued walking, I just want my food. "Hera," heavy footsteps followed after me.

I made it back to my pasta and quickly started to stuff my mouth. Just leave now, please. But of course, fate never listens to me. "You know, she hates you." My fork clattered against the counter as I started to choke. He quickly came behind me and started to pound my back, my breathing soon returned to normal.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I gulped down the water he offered me. "She was just crying about me last night," confusion laced my words. He looked down at me with his stupid smirk, "That's what she wants you to think."

"What?" My eyes stared into his. "What do you mean?" I lifted my arm to grab him, but I quickly remembered what previously just happened. "She hates you, Hera, so much. She's been hating you since I've started to take a notice towards you."

I stood still as I let the words sink in. My best-friend hates me? "Why does she hate me?" I took a seat at the island. He boosted himself up and sat down on the counter, "Not hate, more like despise-loathe even. She only does because she's obsessed with me, crazy."

"More obsessed than Chloe?" I giggled. He grinned at my question and furiously nodded his head. "More obsessed than Chloe, surprisingly," he laughed. I laughed at my new found information and also with him.

"Than why'd she cry over me?" I slowly sobered up. He quickly stopped and stared at me, "She's fake and she just wants you to think that you're still friends." My mood quickly dropped and anger took over my emotions.

"How do I know that you're not lying." I sneered at him. He gave me his signature smirk, "You don't." Ugh, this boy. "This boy is pretty hot, don't deny it sugar," he grinned at me.

"So remember, we don't have any relation with each other," he reminded me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "We've never had a relation, Lance, that's just in your head." I stood up and started to head towards the front door. His footsteps indicated that he was following.

"Now, get out of my house." I opened the door and he quickly stepped out without any resistance. "Don't worry, I'll still be seeing you, sugar," he turned around and gave me a wink. He got in his car and started it, before he sped away, he turned to me and blew me a kiss. I stood embarrassed as he drove away. I quickly went back inside and locked the door behind me. Now, where's my pasta?


Hello! I hope you've enjoyed this update. One question, do y'all think that Lance is lying?

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Much love - Dio

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