Chapter 15

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          The rest of the day consisted me of lying in bed while either the boys or mother took care of me. I couldn't really process anything they were doing to me though, my mind was still numb from the event that happened last night. Every time I would think about, my body would convulse in disgust.

          Currently, I'm lying in bed-staring into my dark room, I couldn't do anything else. If I tried to sit up, my abdomen would cause me so much pain that I'd fall back down onto the bed. My blinds were shut, lights off, and the bedroom door was closed. The only source of light was from my alarm clock and the hints of the street light peeking through the segments of the blinds.

          I closed my eyes and tried to sleep once more, my body needed to recover. My body started to relax and relief washed over my body. I was on the edge of a deep slumber when my bedroom door flew open. "Hera!" No, it can't be. I kept my eyes closed and dared not to move. You're supposed to be sleeping, don't give yourself away.

          "Hera, oh my gosh. Please wake up!" Her voice wavered. I could picture her in my head, her pretty blue eyes brimming with tears, she didn't care if they'd fall down. I felt the right side of the bed dip down, my hand was placed into hers. "Hera, open your eyes, please." She tightened her fingers over my hand, but I ignored it.

          The bed dipped down again. Is someone else here? My question was answered when the smooth deep smooth voice resonated throughout the room. "Babe, obviously she's not going to wake up, she's asleep. C'mon, let's get you something to drink."

          I carefully opened my eyes to be met with the blue eyes of my best friend. Her eyes widened in surprised, she was halfway off the bed but she quickly sat back down. She grabbed my hand and softly placed a kiss on my knuckles, her eyes never left mine.

          My eyes scanned the room and landed on Lance, my breath hitched in my throat. His dark brown eyes were soft and focused on me, his posture was relaxed as he stood to the side of the bed. Media threw herself over me and tightly hugged me, however, through her thick pink hair, I could see Lance. My cheeks grew warm as he kept his gaze on me, a smirk formed on his lips.

          "What happened? I was so worried," she withdrew from me. She kept herself an arm's distance away. Tears were starting to form and fall, she didn't care to wipe them away. I watched each one fall until she decided to swipe them away. "Hera, please, what happened?" She looked down at me, the falling tears made me want to tell her everything, but I resisted.

          She hugged me again and sobbed into my shoulder, I awkwardly lifted my arm and patted he back. Lance's muffled cough caught my attention, he pointed at Media. "Tell her," he mouthed. His eyes stared into mine, I shook my head. "Tell her, please," his eyes were soft and a pleading look covered his face. I couldn't do anything but comply.

          "Babe, c'mon, back off of her." Lance grabbed Media and carefully pried her off of me. Her tears were flowing but she wiped them away. He awkwardly gave her a side hug as she leaned into him, however, he didn't look at her, only at me.

          "Why are you here?" My voice was calm but somewhat sounded menacing. I stared at her, my eyes scanned over her face- confusion and a tinge of anger was evident on her face. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly clamped it shut when Lance placed his hand on her shoulder.

          He looked at me but quickly focused his attention to his 'girlfriend', a stern look covered his face- more like a father figure look rather than a boyfriend telling his significant other to calm down. Once, she was calm, he turned to face me once more. His eyes glared into mine, the pleading but command filled the void behind them.

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