Chapter 5

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          I walked down the bleachers towards the field where both the track and football team were standing, they were in a somewhat circle and were yelling and trying to push themselves into the middle. I ran towards them and pushed myself to the front, most of the boys parted for me since they know who I am.

          As I got closer to the middle I heard a high pitched voice yell, "You asshole!" I pushed harder and finally got a spot in the front. Standing there in very middle was Chloe and Aiden, her face was all red and full of fury while Aiden's was just calm as it could be.

          "Chloe we never had anything, I have a girlfriend who I love. You're just some desperate skank who probably have STDS." Aiden said, his face showed no emotion. The boys had many ways of showing how entertained they were; some went "oh", others said "burn", while others just laughed and made other retorts to the blonde in the middle. I was laughing with them and saw Carson was videotaping the whole thing, he saw me looking at him and winked at me.

          The blonde looked at everyone in anger; if her face got anymore redder; her makeup would start running off from the heat of it. She looked around and saw me, she quickly went over to where I was and raised her hand to slap me.

          I stood my ground and punched her nose before she could do anything, the obvious crack made some of the boys around us stop laughing and see what was going on. Chloe's screaming made the rest of the boys shut up and look over to us, Carson smiled proudly at me while Aiden came rushing over to my side.

           "You bitch! You broke my nose!" Chloe screamed. She held her nose, blood gushed out and dripped down onto her shirt. One of the track members helped her up and walked her away, hopefully he would help her.

          It suddenly got quiet, the stares from the boys were quite obvious. I suddenly felt annoyed from being in the center of the attention, Aiden noticed because he told everyone to leave. Some quickly left while others lingered around.

           "What the hell were you thinking?" Aiden yelled at me. I looked at him surprised, he was the one who taught me to defend myself, and now he's scolding me?

          "Did you forget she's the vice mayor's daughter?" He threw his hands in the air. Carson's faced paled as he also remembered. Well fuck. I groaned and covered my face with my hands and quickly regretted my action. What's going to happen now?

          "What's going to happen now is that you're going to apologize to Chloe." Aiden said. Did I really ask that out loud? "You also said that out loud," Carson laughed at me.

          I groaned again and looked up at them, well mostly at Aiden. "Do I really have to apologize?" Aiden nodded his head, so did Carson. They both looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders, "Fine. If it means we don't get in trouble." They both smiled at me and turned to go to the locker room, I stood there unsure of what to do.

           Just as they were about to walk through the door, Carson yelled, "Meet at us at the car!" Wow, thanks for telling me. I quickly made my way to the car and unlocked it- each of us has a spare key in case of an emergency.

          As I finished stuffing my things in the trunk, the boys showed up and proceeded to do the same thing. Aiden motioned to get in the car as he opened the door for me. I quickly sat in my seat and pulled the seatbelt over me and secured it. The boys talked outside for a few quick seconds before coming inside.

          Aiden started the car and began to pull out of the parking lot, Carson was playing with the radio in order to find something that would let us escape the awkward silence that was suffocating us. Unable to find something, he sighed and kept it on a station that was play Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream'.

          I hummed along but stopped when Carson turned around to face me. "Just doesn't be rude, okay Hera?" Carson asked. I huffed at him and he smiled. "You'll be fine. Just apologize tomorrow," Aiden commanded. I nodded my head at him as he parked the car on the driveway.

          We all got out of the car and got our stuff from the trunk, once I doubled checked that I had everything, I frantically opened the front door and ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door.

          Kicking my shoes off while jumping onto the bed proved to be a bad idea, I tripped onto the bed and my stomach connected to the edge of the bed- air was knocked out of me. With a groan, I stood up and carefully got on the mattress, I rubbed my abdomen in hopes of soothing the area.

           The whole time I thought of how I was going to apologize to the blonde, thoughts and random words ran through my head. However, nothing came up, nothing at all. Well, fuck me. I guess I'm gonna have to pull this one out of my ass tomorrow.


Do you think that Hera was right for punching Chloe?

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Have an awesome day, love ya'll!

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