Dear Who Ever,
I feel fragile, broken... Like dust, the wind could blow and knock me into one million pieces... I may look strong but to those who have seen the inside they know the truth. I am on the verge of collapsing into wreckage... Like an old house, all of my support beams have broken or rotted away... Only a few remain and those few will soon be gone. The outside of the house is beautiful and strong, confident... but the inside... dark, broken, shattered, destroyed on many levels... Just waiting to come crashing down. There is barely any thing holding me up any more... One day, soon, I will break down. There will be people to help me back up, rebuild the house... but there is a certain piece in a house that it needs to be steady. That piece, can only be fixed by one person. That one person isn't there any more... That loss has shaken the very foundation of my life. The pole to which my compass pointed is gone. The gravity for my world is missing, now I float aimlessly hoping for some one to bring me back down... There is some one who can fix most of it, except one specific beam... That beam is the very center of the home. The one beam holding every thing together. It can either destroy the home or rebuild it... The one controling this beam, holds my heart in their hands. The ability to crush my heart and every thing I am is theirs. I cannot take my heart back, they have a firm grip on it. I don't want them to have my heart but I can't keep it safe myself. 'Who is this person?' you may be asking? My parents... They had my heart from the beginning. Then I make one decision that isn't according to their rule book and that's when it happened. That is when they started crushing my heart into millions of pieces... They don't mean to but that doesn't stop the pain... I cry out but it just keeps going. It happened to her, it is happening to me. It will happen again to the others... They don't believe they are hurting any one when they do these things. They've never been able to see it from our point of view...
-Your Faithful Writer