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This is a poem I wrote about my grandfathers funeral.


Dresses for such a dark occasion

Everything so dark

Lack of color every where I look

Happiness gone, sadness so thick..

I can almost see it in the air.

Tears cover every face

Apologies from every person

Hearts are breaking

Loved ones missing

A piece of the world so suddenly gone

One less heart beating

Just one less..

A box

Known as a casket

Holding some one so loved

Some one so gone

No longer to see again

Eyes lay closed

As if asleep

Smile gone, so sad

It is only a shell

But such a reminder of the one lost..

You try to stay strong

Refuse to let a single tear escape.

You blink fast, holding them back.

Your face a hard stone.. lacking of emotion..

You block it all out, so it won't flood

So much waiting to bust out

Suddenly, so unexpected..

A single tear, slowly slides down your cheek..

You blink hard again.

How had one escaped?

That one tear..

Causes the wall to crumble...

With in moments your face is wet, your make up ruined.

Why wear make up to a place like this any how?

This is a place where tears roll free...

The walls are gone and loss flows away...

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