Dear Him, goodbye...

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Dear Him,

Wasted my time just like they said. My dad was right, woo hoo! :/ No one else ever guessed you would do this to me... I cried so many tears. Why do I have to be the tear-stricken one? After all, you are the one who got what you wanted in the end. I just got screwed over by all this crap. Thanks oh so much </3 I got fooled, betrayed, and left alone to clean up the after-math. What exactly did I get out of all this? Oh yeah that's right, heart ache.

I would say that I'm healing but that would be a lie. I'm crushed, demolished, destroyed, depressed. Any thing but healed. I put my whole heart into a relationship just to get burnt, again. My heart is a pile of ashes right now... *sigh* I will just scoop them into a jar and hope that will do. Where there's a will, there's a way.... I'll be fine eventually.

Oh, and fair warning, watch out. There are a lot of people that love me and hate seeing me in pain.


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