<Rap Line> Rainy Days (Text)

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>.>.>.>.>.> J-Hope <.<.<.<.<.<

You: Hoseok oppa help me

Hopie Oppa: with what? ^~^

You: I have no umbrella with me. Can you come fetch me?

Hopie Oppa: but eomma took the car and went shopping

Hopie Oppa: and she took the big umbrella and taking the small ones for both of us is too bulky uhmmmm

You: Oh. Okay then nvm oppa kamsahabmida

Hopie Oppa: wAIT IK XOMIBF

You: Huh oppa y ur typing so screwed up

Hopie Oppa: I'm runmibg ok meey u ay the gatr

You: I knew I can turn to you for help oppa. <3

>.>.>.>.>.> Namjoon <.<.<.<.<.<

You: Oppa.

Dimples Oppa: you need me to fetch you don't you?

You: yes oppa please?

Dimples Oppa: No.

You: Pweaseee oppa? ㅇnㅇ

Dimples Oppa: *omg stop the aegyo* ugh okay

You: thanks, Dimples Oppa.

Dimples Oppa: What?

You: Nothing, be quick thanks :0

>.>.>.>.>.> Suga <.<.<.<.<.<

Salty Oppa: Where are you I'm already home from bball practice it's 615pm alr 30 min past your dance class dismissal time you take 10 min to come back where tf are you now are you doing drugs or do you have a boyfriend or both

You: Oppa. It's raining. I don't do drugs and the closest thing I have to a RS is a crush okay. I'm waiting for the rain to stop. Unless you wanna come fetch me~~~?

Salty Oppa: no. I told you it was gonna rain I showed you the weather forecast I told u to bring an umbrella but u didn't listen. Get your ass home rn. Stop hanging out with your crush.

You: I'm not hanging out with him but okay then.

~2 min later~

Salty Oppa: Where r u now

You: walking past the fruit markets. Why?

Salty Oppa: Have you learnt your lesson?

You: Ne.

Salty Oppa: Sure?

You: Ne. Jinjja.

Salty Oppa: okay. Go find a shelter. I'm coming to fetch you.

You: kamsahabnida oppa saranghae

Salty Oppa: ew don't do that but okay saranghae dongsaeng haha

You changed 'Salty Oppa' to 'Sweet Oppa'.

How are the reads gg up so fast omg

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